This New York farmer is overwhelmed by illegal crossings from Canada, caught on camera


  1. > Over the past several months a growing tide of men, women and sometimes children have used Oliver’s farm as a transit point on clandestine foot journeys from Canada to the U.S.

    > They’ve all passed on front of his home, where he lives with his wife and three children, and it’s all captured on his trail cameras.

    > In the week leading up to this past Labour Day, Oliver’s cameras recorded **48 people** crossing near his doorstep.

    > “And that’s just **one camera, in one area**, so it’s hard to say how many actually did walk by,” said Oliver, 32.

  2. Canada gives out visas without checks, knowing the odds that many are entering the Country purely to cross the border, so the country is complicit with human traffickers.

    Canada might not know exactly who but it knows where they come from, and they know the who/what/where of the traffickers. The northern border is open for business as the southern one tightens. This is not an accident.

  3. the-armchair-potato on

    “Canada”…you mean our inept liberal government whom I did not vote for 😒. Canadians are awesome….our federal government? Not so much.

  4. He’s a farmer, he should know better /s

    Get ONE sheep/goat, just one, get 5 Great Pyrenees to protect it. Those dogs will hear a mosquito having a hart attack at 500yards. Impervious to cold, they won’t even use dog houses.

    Nothing on earth makes a man run as fast as seeing a 150lbs white polar bear charging you simply cause you looked at the goat.