1. >Obtaining these panda sex cells has been difficult because the majority of the living panda population remains under strict protections that forbid typical egg extraction techniques, such as giving pandas medicine to make extra eggs in a cycle or retrieving eggs from ovaries. There are also too few pandas remaining to reliably source eggs from recently deceased animals.

    >If scientists could generate sperm and egg cells from pandas in a noninvasive manner, such as turning these skin cells into stem cells and then germ cells, and use those to make new pandas, the team may be able to add genetic diversity to the animals that remain. Currently, there are 33 isolated populations, 15 of which are very close to extinction.

    [Read more here](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/giant-panda-skin-cells-turned-stem-cells), and [read the study here](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adn7724).

  2. Honestly, they’re a doomed species, and a complete evolutionary dead end. They would have died out even without human presence. We’re literally fighting against natural selection. They’re cute, but we should just let them go quietly into the night.

  3. Specialist-Let6471 on

    Wow, this is incredible! It’s amazing to see how much scientific progress we’ve made in recent years. Hopefully, this breakthrough will help preserve and protect the giant panda population.

  4. Never seen a species trying to go extinct so tenaciously as Giant Pandas. And we’re just biding their time.

  5. Public_Sherbet_6490 on

    Wow, this is really fascinating! It’s amazing to see how advancements in stem cell research are being applied to conservation efforts. I hope that these stem cells can lead to increased success in breeding giant pandas and ultimately help to save this endangered species. It’s inspiring to see scientists using their skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on the world.