1. LimpFootball7019 on

    I remember reading the Anne Frank books and such as a kid. I could not believe people would fall for that nonsense ever again. But, I was so wrong.

    Racism is alive and kicking in America.

  2. AccomplishedBrain309 on

    I guess it’s prudent to ignore the fact that there are 2 completely biased social media companies that only support concervative ideals, “not truth and x twitter”.

  3. Well, if it gets the job done…fine. It’s the dumbest goddamn reason to oppose this, but whatever it takes.

  4. This comment section:

    😂😂😂 fuck them kids!!! My Reddit pseudo-anonymity is more important 

  5. They were already caught red handed trying to censor Facebook and Twitter. The whole bill violates the god damned constitution.

  6. Anonymity died two decades ago.

    Meta data will out, does out, and now you’re out of privacy.

    Age verification is a must. There is no privacy, no anonymity and those were the only reasons not to have ID verification to be online.

    Imagine how much less trollish the entire internet would be without the promise of script-kiddies being anon.

    No more masks… No more hiding… No more anon.

    I can’t wait.

  7. Didn’t Meta openly admit to censoring things in response to the white houses’ pressure? I am not MAGA and don’t agree with them, but from what I gather, yes the administration worked with tech companies and pressured them to censor specific content?

  8. Yes! Another victory for conservatives. We really need to stop these progressives from ruining the country even more.