A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Republicans—and Russia



  1. East-Bluejay6891 on

    Jill Stein is trash. Her recent interview with Mehdi Hasan she refused to say Putin is a war criminal saying that’s not the right path to peace while saying Biden and Netanyahu are war criminals. Hypocrite!

  2. Her Russian ties should already be clear. She couldn’t even condemn Russia for invading Ukraine in a recent interview.

  3. Affectionate-Bus6653 on

    The Green Party sounds like such a wonderful cause, like greening the planet, but I believe Jill Stien is a Russian asset.

    edit for spelling.

  4. SnarkyPuppy-0417 on

    Stop funding genocide and not only will Stein drop out of the race, but she’ll likely campaign for you.

  5. we have a photo of her with putin and michael flynn damn it. How is this even up for debate anymore