N.S. man awarded $85,000 in damages after ex claims he’s a sexual predator on social media



  1. > Her only justification for making the comments was “that she believes them to be true,” said the judge.

    This is gross.

    I doubt he’ll see a dime, so it’s too bad the judge didn’t add a zero to hopefully deter others. Intentionally trying to ruin someone’s life should be an equivalent crime to assault.

  2. >She also made social media posts alleging the professor is violent, and that while he was earning his post-doctoral degree, his supervisor was “mysteriously pushed off a mountain and he had to get another supervisor.”

    >Her only justification for making the comments was “that she believes them to be true,” said the judge.


  3. >She alleged that the professor is sexually abusing his daughter at work and that he “would sexually groom his daughter in front of her,” said the decision.

    >She also made social media posts alleging the professor is violent, and that while he was earning his post-doctoral degree, his supervisor was “mysteriously pushed off a mountain and he had to get another supervisor.”

    If she really believed that was true why didn’t she report it to the police immediately instead of waiting for him to break up with her first.
    Is she really admitting that she was ok with being with a murderous child molester as long as he kept fucking her?

    Even after losing in court she is adamant that she’s telling the truth so I wonder if we should take her at her word and do something about it.
    I mean she is a single mother and apparently ok with dating someone she believes to be a child molester perhaps we ought to look a little more closely at her parenting skills just incase she wasn’t lying.

    After all if she was cool with the dude molesting his own kid until the relationship ended there’s no telling what else she’d find acceptable.

    Unless of course she wants to admit that she was talking out of her ass because she’s pissed he dumped her.

  4. $85,000 seems steep but it’s a wake up call for anyone thinking they can ruin someone’s life online. We gotta be better, folks.

  5. Front-Hovercraft-721 on

    False accusations against men is out of control, destroying countless lives. Nice to see the justice system doing their job. Thank you!!!