1. Without reading the article because I don’t want to click on that link, I’m going to assume they mean “a little bit of marijuana” and not just going for a magic carpet ride.

  2. According to scientists and also my Uncle Crunch, a herd of untamed hellspawn children are a lot more tolerable if you get really stoned.

  3. Now we have to combine this study with the surgeon generals official diagnosis of “parents being stressed out”

  4. Total agreement

    On a trip to Jamaica when my kids were tiny I noticed how much I enjoyed seeing it all through their eyes and felt more connected to them and their joy

  5. Seriously? Pot evangelization is heading straight off a cliff. Let me know when we get some peer reviewed science.

  6. I know this is a lost battle to people who still smoke, but guys, try to go 6 months without it, if you can’t I’m afraid you’re addicted to it.

    People think smoking weed doesn’t affect you but trust me, it does, yeah sure, you can still function, and maybe your life seems perfectly fine, now, when you don’t smoke for a few days, let me guess: you feel anxious, you can’t sleep, you feel depressed, etc. So you smoke again and ta-da, you feel good again.

    It’s properties don’t have active addictiveness, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get addicted to it. And in the long run, it will start to affect you more and more.

    All I’m trying to say is that, ideally, we should be drinking only water, anything else, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, do take a toll.

    I’m an ex addict, been sober from everything for almost two years and I have never felt better.

    It’s truly hard to let everything go, but in the end, it’s 100% worth it. You can’t live life trying to anesthesise yourself every 5 minutes, or you can, but that isn’t living.

  7. Omg! What absolute bullshit. My mother smoked weed my entire life and she was a terrible mother BECAUSE of weed. So forgetful, so out of it. So irritating.

  8. > “Parents reported that children were not present in 92.3% of the episodes when they reported using cannabis,” the report says. “In other words, parents report being with their child in the 3–4 hour time frame since they took their last survey, but that their child is not present when using cannabis.”

    > Notably, parents also had “significantly higher odds of reporting positive parenting behaviors in the same time frame when they report using cannabis.” Positive parenting was defined as “showing a child love, warmth, and care while providing and being sensitive to their needs,” the study says.

  9. What an interesting thread to read in totality. From I’m high right now, to I wanna be, to no shit, to my mom was terrible because of weed, to alcohol sucks. I feel it all. I love smoking but I am addicted to it so had to stop. Everything in moderation I suppose.

  10. whuuu? they aren’t getting drunk and beating the family to hell and back then forgetting about it the next day. wild.

  11. When I used to visit my nephews when they were toddlers and I just got done smoking. Those lil guys were so hilarious man my sister would be like are you high😂 kids are great when your under the influence of smoke

  12. Typical_Belt_270 on

    I can tolerate the meltdowns and the general assholery much better while high. I honestly think Danny Go! has some real jams too. I can feel good about being friends with Hogi and Pinkfong but there isn’t enough weed and therapy in the world to tolerate JJ on repeat.

  13. JesseRodOfficial on

    There’s so much stigma around this drug that there’s sure to be people who will criticize this and go get pissdrunk and beat their wife and kids.

  14. TangoInTheBuffalo on

    Look, catching a buzz is fine and all, but the Nixon “persecution of blacks” position had the lasting effect of denying federal funding for marijuana research. Couldn’t even easily study hemp. F’n disgrace.

  15. Raised by alcoholics and was beat a lot. I smoke cannabis nightly, but usually around dinner when work and chores are done. My son has never seen a violent side of me, and we have a ton of similar hobbies that he enjoys. Like Legos and doing the multiversus battle pass together. A lot more fun when you’re a bit high.

  16. Sometimes I slip out for a toke right before my kids bedtime, on those nights I find myself taking like 40 mins tucking them in because we chat about philosophical and science stuff and joking around. I think they are manipulating me to extend their bed time.

  17. Majestic-Pickle5097 on

    I can positively tell you I’m a better person, parent, worker and husband with RESPONSIBLE use of cannabis. But it’s can easily be abused like most things.

    I’m glad we are getting past the “lazy stoned” mentality. Some of the most high functioning people I know are daily users. It keeps them off traditional pharmaceuticals

  18. As a now 41 year old I’ve been hoping for decades that my folks would start to smoke a little weed every once in a while, and chill the fuck out. Quit being so uptight and square. Loosen up the feelings a bit. Relax.