Thanks for the news post, first I’ve ever heard of this guy and this achievement. No one seemed for be talking about it anywhere.
BraveRice on
wowww. GOAT confirmed?
Anyways, Dodgers must be happy getting ROI.
CicadaGames on
It seems so far off now, and it’s extremely petty, but I laugh in the face of all the people who were so damn resistant to the idea that this guy was going to be one of the greatest players of all time lol. It was so obvious right from the start.
8percentinflation on
It’s great to see a player with the newest mega contract, taking his game to the next level
Thanks for the news post, first I’ve ever heard of this guy and this achievement. No one seemed for be talking about it anywhere.
wowww. GOAT confirmed?
Anyways, Dodgers must be happy getting ROI.
It seems so far off now, and it’s extremely petty, but I laugh in the face of all the people who were so damn resistant to the idea that this guy was going to be one of the greatest players of all time lol. It was so obvious right from the start.
It’s great to see a player with the newest mega contract, taking his game to the next level