Man arrested in Rome almost 50 years after infamous Easey Street murders in Melbourne’s Collingwood

Posted by gbmsatan


  1. This is huge news, one of the most famous unsolved mysteries in Australian history. Hopefully this resolves it for her child.

  2. Incredible to have made an arrest 50 years after the fact. So eerie – I pass the house relatively often.

  3. Huge news indeed, well done to those involved. I hope justice is served and that it brings some closure to the families.
    My parents are of the same generation as the victims and they talked about the horrific murders and the impact that it had on them and how they lived their lives.

  4. Any news on what information led to this arrest? Pretty unreal to think this dudes just been chilling for near 50 years

  5. Intelligent-Belt-506 on

    That’s brilliant news and shows you , you might think you can get away with it never will go away. Brilliant work VP

  6. Can’t help but wonder if the residents of that little worker’s cottage awoke to a pile of flowers and reporters on their doorstep this morning.

  7. Wow colour me impressed VicPol. If this was true then it’s some really good news and deserving closure for the surviving families. Also if convicted that old cunt will rot in jail which is better late than never.

    A good day all in all. RIP Susan, you might be gone but never forgotten.

  8. We were driving around Richmond last night and some of old houses look exactly the same as the Easey Street one. We don’t go to the inner suburbs often but when I pass one of these houses I always, always think of the murders of the two Sue’s. I certainly thought of them last night and wondered if the case would ever be solved. I just about jumped out of my skin when I heard about the arrest, I couldn’t even form words correctly to tell my husband why I was so excited. I hope it’s not another DNA stuff up like the Tapp murders but surely the science is more advanced these days.

  9. I hope all the rapist and killers who got away with their crimes for decades are spending their lives terrified and looking over their shoulder. Their day for justice is coming and I love to see it. May they rot.

    This disgusting monster took a mother away from her 16 month old baby and left the baby alone terrified and without food and drink in its cot. My blood just boils. 

  10. Omg that is incredible. We had several strange connections to this case and I remember when it happened so clearly. I have often wondered how this remained unsolved. Can’t wait to see the evidence.

  11. This is unbelievable work. They never gave up. This occurred 10 years before I was born but it’s always fascinated me.

    Especially all the potential suspects , some who had been in the house after the murders not realising they were dead in another room. What a burden to carry if you were innocent.

    I often think of the baby, now a grown man who was left behind in that house.

    Give the police what they want. Now.

  12. Vanilla_Princess on

    Wow. I listened to the podcast series on this a few months ago. This is amazing.

    Sadly it isn’t justice as he lived a free life but some closure for the families and friends.