Here’s why Victoria Park stacks up as the solution to Brisbane’s Olympic venue argument

Posted by 2littleducks


  1. > “This is a once-in-100-year opportunity,” he said.

    > “Olympic Games and Paralympic games don’t come along every other day.

    > “It’s going to be a lasting memory and it will have a lasting impact upon tourism and investment.”

    I’ve been around for a few olympics and have been to a couple myself. None of them have stuck around as a lasting memory or made me think, fuck I should go visit that place.

    What an absolute shitshow this has been so far.

  2. egowritingcheques on

    The best solution would be to withdraw from the Olympics. Pay whatever fine is required and forget about it.

    Or build a stadium at Beenleigh, beside the train station. Invest outside the CBD you idiots.

  3. DarkmanofAustralia on

    Don’t take our public park away so you can watch people chase balls around for $150 a seat once a fortnight.

  4. Rasta-Revolution on

    The first instinct is correct a majority of the time.They’ll end up coming back to the Gabba, which makes sense as the new cross river station is there. They need a stadium with a roof for a sub tropical city.

  5. And leave an old Gabba which needs a complete overhaul. Bite the bullet and do the Gabba properly not leave it as the next qe2

  6. Keksis_the_Defiled on

    When are governments going to learn that 9 times out of 10, Olympics cause a massive financial drain and infrastructure headache for only a few weeks of increased visitorship and *potentially* some good press overseas.

    Public parks and green spaces should never be destroyed for paid-entry stadiums that only a tiny subset of the populace will ever benefit from.

  7. Parkland isn’t replaceable. We don’t need a huge stadium next to the largest hospital in Brisbane.

    God can developers fk off

  8. Personally, I think they should stick it on top of the dog park at Albion. 

    Close to the city, it’s a big site (larger than the MCGs footprint) and while it floods, we can just build it on a podium like they planned on doing at QSAC.

  9. QSAC could work if the SEQ Busway was replaced with heavy rail and a separate medium metro line went along the Mains Road corridor from the Griffith Uni stop to Calamvale and Browns Plains. Rewrite the town planning rules for mixed density along the entire route. Same medium density line could even be used to form part of a ring route through Mt Gravatt and along the Creek Road corridor to Camp Hill.

  10. The best location is a Brownfield site at Hamilton North shore.
    There’s no environmental concerns. There’s no disruption. Its next to the athletes village.

    You can build a short cheap extension of a Doomben line, and operate it like the Sydney Olympic Park loop line to get spectators in and out efficiently.

  11. They will find all sorts of things once they start digging down at Victoria Park. It has been used for all sorts of things for a long time. 40,000 years kind of time.

  12. In a bit baffled…most people I know personally (mostly progressive) do not support QSAC as an option. 

    Perhaps I’m in a vacuum here, but do labor have polling to suggest that voters want QSAC as the Olympic venue.

    I personally think if we’re going to have to get a venue done, might as well invest for the future and get a proper tier one stadium, wherever that might be located.

  13. I just want to attend a day of Test Cricket, once a year, until I’m 100. I want to do this at the Gabba. Is that too much to ask?

  14. We already have a stadium in the area with Suncorp Stadium. The traffic and public transport are atrocious in that area and I will fight tooth and nail to stop a Victoria Park build.

  15. They will come back to the Gabba…. It needs to be rebuilt soon anyway it seems wild to not do it there.

  16. No, it fucking doesn’t. It is one of the biggest greenspaces in the city.

    The best option for a Olympic stadium is the Gabba, like it or not. It is right next to Cross River Rail and to the Gabba bus station. Let’s not pretend the East Brisbane School is more important than that.

  17. Build a sports precinct at Yatala beside the M1. There is bulk room, just beside the high way which would allow the construction process to happen alot easier then in the middle of the city with everyone complaining about the trucks in the already congested city.

    It’s half way between the gold coast and brisbane. We can then split the large tourist cohort that turns up for the games between the Goldcoast, where it’s already setup for tourism and the city. No need to knock down and rebuild. The rail line is already there so that helps with the moving of all the ppl.

    Once it’s done demolish the old QE2 and sell the land to developers for medium density living. There is a busway and the uni right there so we can get some more overseas student money into Australia.

    It’s win win.

  18. As long as we also get a second smaller rectangular stadium out of the Olympics – [a stated potential legacy project in the bid]( then I’m not really fussed about which non-QSAC option they go with.

    If they turn Vic Park into a new Oval stadia for Cricket and AFL then they should turn the Gabba site into a smaller rectangular stadium. It’d be serviced by all the new transport infrastructure and would fill an infrastructure need the city desperately needs.

    Suncorp is hosting 63 matches/events this year – a new record. That’s only going to keep increasing. A city growing at the rate we are needs multiple stadia – it’s crazy we don’t have it.

  19. Heavy_Bicycle6524 on

    For my thinking, Victoria Park is the only logical answer. As much as I love the Gabba and all the history of the venue, it has had its day. The site is too impinged apron by the surrounding area and there is not enough room for a reasonable sized stadium. Any suggestions of improving on Ballsac stadium are an absolute joke. If that is the plan that wins out, it will be an international embarrassment. Not only hurting Queensland’s tourism business but Australia as a whole. Ballsac does need a face lift and would do well as a secondary facility for training or practice in the lead up to the main event. However as a primary venue, it’s a terrible option.