Georgia Trans Influencer Killed by Boyfriend Who Reportedly Wanted to Keep Relationship Secret a Day After Country’s Anti-LGBT Law

Posted by MastodonOk8087


  1. Heartbreaking 💔. May she rest in peace. This hatred fed by a far right political agenda will kill even more people. Extremely sad.

  2. This is sadly way more common place than most people realise, fucking chasers…

    Anti trans legislation gives this type of people the sense of security for them to do this.

    Poor girl

  3. I never reported so many comments under one single post ever before.

    So many disgusting people with so much hate here 🙁

  4. missionarymechanic on

    What the frick. You’re not down with a particular relationship, or you don’t want people to know about it… don’t get into it. Simple.

    Who the heck wants to be kept a secret, anyways?

  5. While this is tragic i fail to see how this made sense in the guys head.

    Surely she had the info that she’s trans in her medical records which the authoroties would get acces to which would then get it’s way to the public soon enough.

    Edit: As it turns out she was publicly trans, my bad for not reading the entire article. Still though, surely they had mutual who knew they were together, right?

  6. When I lived in Georgia a couple years ago I occasionally hung out with a Kazakhstani gay couple who were living in Tbilisi to avoid one of them being honour killed by their family. I once ran into them at a club that was supposed to be LGBTQ friendly, and our super excited queer reaction earned us the worst fucking looks from everyone, so we just ran out. I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be being trans in a country like Georgia.

    Bonus story: the previous weekend at the same club I was sexually assaulted by a Saudi guy. He told me he was gay and he liked going to Georgia because it was cheap to travel to, and as bad as Georgia was it was much better than Saudi Arabia. While he assaulted me he laughed at how gullible I was and told me he only pretended to be gay so he could get close enough to me to assault me, but that he was 100% straight. I just said “well, if I were you I’d worry, because you do look very gay. I didn’t think that was ok in Saudi”. He was so taken aback that I was able to run away from him. I felt dirty for using queerness as a gotcha, but I had to save myself and I have no doubt that if things had gone wrong he could’ve really hurt me. I don’t even want to imagine what would’ve happened if I was trans.

    On a different occassion a Georgian man drugged me and when I asked for help everyone around me just shut me down saying “these things don’t happen in Georgia”. Thankfully I happened to finally lose control of my limbs near a group of people (both Georgians and foreigners) who believed me and helped me call my trusted cab driver… Who got me home safe but since he was an average Georgian man, assumed my experience meant I was “an immoral person” and said he would no longer drive me. I don’t even want to imagine how I would’ve been treated if I was trans.

    When I see stories like this one I hope that hell exists, that the killer is in it, fully conscious, and that he never gets out. Not in a thousand years, not ever.

  7. Big macho looking dude falls for a trans person yet can’t hack the idea of his family and friends finding out. Pathetic. May she rest in peace, away from this shit show of a world.

  8. TheokolesOfRome on

    Kesaria likely put it out there because they believed the relationship would be an important symbol against the new law, the fact it got them killed is tragic.

  9. I just don’t get why people and governments hate the LGBT community.

    If you hate members of the LGBT community. Read this carefully.

    Seriously, why? Why does it bother you so much? Men and women have been sticking it in each other every which way for over *ten thousand* years.

    If you don’t swing that way, that is fine, but can’t you just leave people alone? Why are you so fucking obsessed with where people stick it behind closed doors? It’s absolutely nothing to do with you. Get on with your life. Put that energy somewhere useful. Stop getting so upset over other people’s personal choices that have *nothing* to do with you. Literally nothing.

  10. People who say this is not “transphobia” are actually smooth-brained. If trans people did not have a stigma against them and being trans were normalized, he would not feel the need to hide his relationship with this trans person. It is always transphobia and misogyny.

  11. LowerTheExpectations on

    What I don’t understand is how and why are you in a relationship with a trans person when you don’t want to own up to it? Then the easiest solution would be not getting in a relationship in the first place?

    What an unnecessary, cruel way to go. RIP!

  12. Dw though guys these laws definitely don’t encourage or normalise hatred or anything that’s just a “woke myth”…

  13. I live in a country culturally similar to Georgia. 

    There are a lot of closeted gay, trans et cetera people here who will do everything in their power to make everyone around them know they’re terrible homophobes. The society is practically built this way. In those circles, being a homophobe is a question of status. Just so you understand the psyche of these assholes.

  14. the murder is horrible and cruel, evidently he did not love her…but wtf is up with all the anti-LGBT laws lately? they want to undo valuable progress for what exactly?

  15. Being stabbed to death is like the top 5 shitty ways to die. I can’t even imagine the agony of every single stab. Sure being shot multiple times would really be fucked but your attacker is at a distance. Stabbing is such a personal way to murder. I hope this guy goes away for life, then brought back to go through incarceration all over again. Maybe throw an eagle in there to eat his liver every day for all eternity.

  16. Side note, Georga trying to ban flags, Healthcare for trans, and dissolving gay marriages but still wants to acknowledge her as Trans to better punish him, i.e. aggravated offenses due to gender.

    Pick a fucking lane. Preferably the more inclusive one.

  17. Georgia is becoming the next Belarus. This anti-lgtbq law has been proposed in other European countries too and some accepted it too. Disgusting thing.

  18. It’s just that the news platform attached the crime to the Georgia anti LGBT law like it’s really the reason why it happened.