Teenage boy accused of raping jogger released on bail

Posted by Wide-Initiative-5782


  1. Wide-Initiative-5782 on

    Wouldn’t want to be a woman/girl in this guy’s house now that the magistrate ignored the police and CPS and has let him back out again.

  2. PeacefulMusicBeat on

    This is ridiculous. How can a judge let someone like this back on the streets? It puts everyone at risk.. smh

  3. “The magistrate said detention should always be a last resort, and while the prosecution’s case was strong, she was not convinced he would get a significant jail term”

    This is a serious adult crime. He should be locked up for fucking YEARS.

  4. He is going to do this again because there’s been no repercussions for him. Who is going to make sure he is supervised?

    Feel bad for the victim in this.

  5. This is absolute insanity. These magistrates are completely fucked.

    Meanwhile the victim lives with this for the rest of their life.

  6. This is fucked. What 16 year old is going to be supervised by their parents 24-hours a day under a strict curfew?

    No mental health issues. No intoxication. Bailed based on no prior interactions with police.

    In addition to this, Samantha Murphy, an avid jogger, has still not been found after being attacked.

    This is a slap in the face for women everywhere. We are not safe in just existing.

    To the woman who was assaulted, I am so sorry. We stand with you.

  7. I wonder how lenient the magistrate would’ve been if that was his daughter getting raped! What a fucking disgrace and I bet this scum will reoffend within the month. Good police work ruined by an out of touch and out of mind judicial system!