I did my Anmeldung in Germany about a month ago, but I’m still waiting for my Tax ID letter. Is it normal it takes so long?


Posted by Suitable-Pace-524


  1. You can send an email to your local Finanzamt and ask them to send it (by post). Sharing a template that I’ve used in the past.

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    ich bin am xx.xx.xxxx nach Deutschland gezogen und habe mich am xx.xx.xxxx beim Bürgeramt angemeldet. Ich habe meine Steuer-ID noch nicht erhalten. Können Sie mir bitte meine Steuer-ID per Post zusenden?
    Vorname: xxxxxx
    Nachname: xxxxxxxx
    Geburtsdatum: xx.xx.xxxx
    Geburtsort: xxxxxxxxx
    Anschrift: xxxxxx

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I moved to Germany on xx.xx.xxxx and registered with the Bürgeramt on xx.xx.xxxx. I have not yet received my tax ID. Can you please send me my tax ID by post?

    First name: xxxxxx
    Surname: xxxxxxxx
    Date of birth: xx.xx.xxxx
    Place of birth: xxxxxxxxx
    Address: xxxxxx

    Yours sincerely

  2. if you need the tax ID before the letter arrives, you can visit the local finanzamt (in some places without appointment, in some it requires an appointment) to get it in person with your passport

  3. It was a year, and I still haven’t received it. Just go to nearest Finanzamt yourself and ask for it, all procedure will take 5 minutes. 

  4. _engineerinthemaking on

    Got mine in 3 days, because I went to pick it up by myself. Figured it would be less of a hustle. Maybe try to pay a visit to the office.

  5. After my wife applied for her visa, the tax ID letter was in the mail even before she received her visa grant letter 😂

  6. What do you expect!? It was August, people go on holiday! Do government workers not have the right to go on holiday!? Do you know how many vacancies there are!? Do you know how many forms have to be filled in, in triplicate, and each copy must be checked!?


    Welcome to Germany! Where the government decided that no more technological innovation was required after 2006

  7. Material_Ad2047 on

    You will only receive it at the very first time you do your registration in Germany. Since your old address clearly already is a German address, you will not receive it a second time, you need to see your local Finanzamt if you don’t have the first letter anymore.

  8. you either go yourself to the nearest Finazamt , they can give it you there , or write them a letter, or send them an email. it happened to my wife during covid , that we didn’t receive it , so she wrote a letter and got a reply back with the tax ID number.

  9. Germany is horrible in that regard, to much regulations. I am also waiting for a letter and I even got asked to send them my papers again, you will have to pressure them a bit so they get moving.

    I recently moved to croatia for studies and I got my tax ID after 2 hourse of waiting, I mean come on germany.

  10. I’m surprised by all the comments here saying it takes so long. I got mine in the mail the day after registering…. I always joked that the one time German bureaucracy is fast is when they want your money 😛

  11. Leon_SheolArisen on

    It usually takes two weeks for the letter to arrive. Maybe yours got stuck in transit. You can ask your local Finanzamt or Einwohnermeldeamt tho, they should have the ID.

  12. RalfWilliam-rbc-de on

    Up to 8 weeks is normal … but it might be already in the system of the local Finanzamt at the place you live … they can give you the number in person … you need the Anmeldebestätigung and you Passport

  13. Oh you sweet summer child.

    At 1 month you can be glad if they scanned your letter into their system. Seriously, I once called a court after about a month because I had a question, the answer was “sorry, I don’t have your letter as it’s not digitized yet”.

  14. if you are employed talk to your employer then it will be ready until your first payday.

    he should send your contract or just confirm that you are employed , they get it and it will be on your first Lohnzettel

  15. This happened to me two years ago. What I did is I went to the Bürgeramt and told them I haven’t recieved my tax id, then they printed it for me.

  16. sounds normal to me… you can give them a call and ask how it’s going or if there were any problems to calm your mind.

  17. Typical-Sleep223 on

    If you just need the number, you can go directly to the auslanderbehorde where you did your anmeldung and ask them. No need for an appointment. But ya the official letter takes a month or longer

  18. heisenberg_2013 on

    For me they didn’t send it. I had to go to the city office and collect it in person for the place I live.

  19. architectureNomad on

    3 to 5 month its normal. I needed the Steuernummer as a Student. A lot of paperwork and stuff later, the Steuerberater got it but i recived the letter after 5 month. At the end of my erasmus+ time at berlin.

  20. summitsuperbsuperior on

    Letter was sent to me also a long time later, I didn’t have to worry since I got it two days after Anmeldung by going straight to the office I did it my anmeldung and they printed it for me. In short, no need for letter to arrive, you can go receive in person

  21. Opposite_Teach_5279 on

    I did my X in Germany, but I’m still waiting for my response. Is it normal it takes so long?

    # YES

  22. HealthyWasabi993 on

    General rule of thumb: Very fast when collecting money or getting anything out of you, very slow when they need to deliver.

  23. intermediatetransit on

    It’s normal for bureaucracy to be error prone and slow. You should get used to pestering people in person and via phone to get what you want. Because you have to do it incessantly.

  24. My friend got her Anmeldung and after 3-4 months Steuer id didn’t arrive.so she spent another month emailing them and they always said wait.after one month another Amt told her in an unrelated matter that she is not registered! Went back to the Bürgerbüro and yeah she was not registered although she had the Anmeldung paper! Got registered there and then again and got her id 3-4 days after!

    Moral of the story is Double check the Anmeldung!

  25. TheCreepNextDoor on

    After I did my Anmeldung I didn’t know I was receiving a tax ID as well. However, I got a Strafe for riding a bike on a boardwalk outside the allowed hours. 2 days later I got two letters: One with the Strafe and one with the Tax ID 😛