Actual footage from Eastern Europe WWII

Posted by jazlyn_togetherne


  1. Flattening the history and complex problems to simple memes and pictures is wrong and looks like a meme for boomers on Facebook.

  2. Unexpected_yetHere on

    Friendly reminder that the USSR had Germany as its MAIN trade partner from 1939-1941, that almost all the grain that fed the nazi horde and the oil that fed its warmachine came from them, that the nazis didn’t just arrange the USSR occupation of the Baltics, but forced even Romania to give up considerable lands to them,…

    Tankies must be bashed as hard as nazis.

  3. Abject-Donkey-420 on

    It’s missing the one where Ruskie kurwy waited for Germans to kill as many poles as possible, then give the Germans a chase.

  4. Efficient_Wall_9152 on

    How much sexual abuse did the Red Army commit against Polish women during the war and subsequent occupation of Poland? The women of Germany have gotten a lot of attention for what was done to them.

    Also, how bad was the sexual abuse committed by the soldiers of the Wehrmacht during the war years? It seems that is a part of the war that gets very little attention

  5. KaiserGustafson on

    The fact that in most of the rest of reddit, you can find tankies under every damn rock is just depressing.

  6. TechnicalBuyer1603 on

    American leftist: Ummm, actually,soviets were always good guys, because communism good, also you are basically just a part of russia