Federal finances – Federal Council wants to save around four billion francs


Posted by Ilixio


  1. BachelorThesises on

    Kinda ironic that the source (swissinfo) is basically done because the Federal Council won’t fund them anymore.

    I’d generally be okay with saving money, but the fact that the agricultural lobby doesn’t have to fear any funding cuts leaves a sour taste. I think this proposal would have a hard time if there’s a referendum (which is very likely).

  2. Spending more on the army, and less on families and the environment, they sure got their priorities straight.

  3. Am I wrong, or this is hitting young families especially hard? I mean, reduced KITA support obviously does, and I think also the higher taxes on 2nd and 3rd pillar withdrawals will, since young-ish families often need to do that to finance buying a house, no?

    So a big Flfuck you to the younger generation, yet again?