The darker dog was pushing and holding the lighter dog towards the wall, who looked scared.

Posted by vice-roidemars


  1. its allowed, I wouldn’t say its right.

    If they are tied in a way that stops them being able to fall off the edge or the back I’d be ok with it. I can’t tell from here though.

  2. As long as they are tethered to a central point and the tethers are shorter than the distance to the edge, ie they physically can’t fall off. Used to be really common for Tradies to have the in the back with no tether at all until that law came in, now you see it much less

  3. Same type of person who would say “my dogs are everyfing to me. Fuck humans I don’t trust none of em, just me and my pups ❤️”

  4. AlternativeAd4179 on

    Why would you even WANT YOUR DOGS DRIVING LIKE THAT?????? “Should be fine” isn’t the mentality to have when you have animals ffs. I feel ill seeing this 😖

  5. Why so many utes have those Temu rear lights? At least all work on this guys but most I see half of the globes are out

  6. Burntoastedbutter on

    Okay. If they wanted to do this. Couldn’t they at least made it ‘safer’ for the dogs and put harnesses on them?? If he braked hard and the dog fell, it’d fuckin suffocate

  7. Round-Profession3883 on

    I would have a harness around then body if they slipped they would choke to death with the collar with the harness. It be harder for them to die from it. This is barely passable.

  8. Vet nurse here… seen too many dogs over the years who have been dragged along the road and ended up with HORRIFIC burns/injuries which takes months and a whole lot of suffering before they recover – if they survived. In other cases the dogs have simply hung themselves by the leash coming off the tray. Yes it’s unfortunately legal, no it’s absolutely not right and it makes my blood boil

  9. You can even get dog boxes for those style service bodies. I hate people that put their dogs in harms way.

  10. Dog trainer, used to farm dogs and riding on utes.

    Horrible as it is, it looks to be technically legally compliant.

    Heres my issue. They’re clipped to the collar. This is a massive no no for safety reasons. You use a harness they can’t slip and clip to that, so if heaven forbid something happens and they do fall, they don’t break their necks.

    You also really should have some degree of siding on the tray. Even relatively low cab chassis style would stop a little slip becoming a broken neck.

    This is people who don’t know better following the law and thinking they’ve done the right thing.

    We need to do better.

  11. Either of the dogs could be swung to the side in an emergency swerve or an accident, or they could leap, and either hang themselves or slip their collar and be hit, or at the very least cause a road hazard. This driver, and any other who does this, should definitely be reported to the RSPCA, police and maybe even VicRoads … anybody and everybody. This is disgraceful. Reveal their plate and let justice speak.

  12. I saw a dog jump off the back of a Ute and almost strangle itself once. I was watching it for a few hundred metres as the dog looked ready to go, and was about to start flashing lights, when it took a leap at a roundabout. Luckily the speed was slow enough the driver was able to get out and rescue it, and it didn’t break its damn neck.

  13. Consistent_You6151 on

    I saw a massive truck on the Hume with 2 dogs in a cage underneath it. It was pitch black and freezing.They were half a body hanging out towards the bitumen, so not completely contained.
    I wound the passenger window down and pointed to the under carriage, but the driver gave me a goofy smile and thumbs up.
    I still get pissed off about it!

  14. WhatYouThinkIThink on

    Pity you blcoked the number plate on that asshole.

    What a fucking douche to even consider that to be safe for their dogs.

  15. when I was a kid I saved a puppy which was choking to death, hanging from a ute like this. the owner was in the football clubrooms drinking beer. he didn’t give a shit. that traumatic experience stayed with me and every time I see this I get mad

  16. A-Rational-Fare on

    The dogs should have a harness on with shorter leads. Having them clipped onto the collar is a recipe for a hung dog.

  17. Sea-Anxiety6491 on

    I remember a few years ago coming around a corner and this ute passes me, I think jeez he is going a bit quick.

    I look in the mirror and all I see is this dog catapulted about 40 metres to the right.

    So whilst I understand farmers and that having dogs in the back, no way I would be trusting the drivers of Syd and Melb to keep my dogs safe.

  18. Purplefaerie1981 on

    Not to mention that if they’re restrained by a collar the likelihood of getting their necks broken in an accident is way too high, at least have them in a properly fitted harness ffs, I have belt clips and harnesses for all my dogs INSIDE my ute and car

  19. Super_Saiyan_Ginger on

    Legal and right aren’t always in agreement with each other unfortunately. Afaik it’s legal.

    Personally, I could only ever justify it on farm land where the speeds are slow. If it was a better enclosed tub or something ehhhh I don’t know but I personally would never.

  20. Fox-Possum-3429 on

    Any dog tethered by a leash to their neck, whether inside or outside the vehicle, is at risk when the vehicle is moving.
    In the event of a collision the dog is flung and their neck can get broken.

  21. ImAManManManMan0 on

    Oh that is wrong, those dogs could literally hang themselves if they fall off. I have seen a terrible video of a innocent small pet in a pet salon. It’s awful. Sorry please report to RSPCA they will act upon this, the owner will get a strict warning.

  22. EnthusiasmFuture on

    It’s not right, I’d call it negligent, but it’s legal.

    They need a harness and a tray side to prevent slipping and so the dog doesn’t hang themselves.

    I’m personally an advocate for a dog crate, which the driver could easily have installed, or letting the dog ride in the cab with an adequate seatbelt harness. I never once let my dog ride on the outside of the cab, I love her, she was part of the family and so she sat with the family. I got a seat cover, hammock thing that was great for stopping hair from getting everywhere and it had slots for the seatbelt harness, plus pockets for treats or her ball and it cost like 30 bucks off of Amazon.

  23. No_Albatross_9111 on

    Dogs should not be treated this way. This needs to be illegal. The dogs have no protection, and worst is they have only a neck collar to choke them to death if they fall off the car. At least put a harness on the dog!!!!

  24. It’s legal I think but so irresponsible….the should have a harness on or side trays up at the least…

  25. I remember a fellow whose favorite dog got hung off the back of his tray driving like this. It’s been ages since I’ve seen people do this, used to be more common way back. Still normal in the country unfortunately. I don’t get why they do it. It’s common enough for dogs to die this way that they can’t be unaware of the dangers.

  26. I saved a dog that was hanging by its neck after jumping out of the Ute with the lead attached. Legal or not it’s so dangerous

  27. I don’t care who you are, if you really, really loved your dog you’d let them either in the cab with you, or their own dedicated dog box with some rubber or carpet for them to grip on and be comfortable out of the elements.

    Don’t care if this is country or how it’s done, you need to do better for your best mates.

  28. Young cats in 4WD’s really have no idea.
    Seeing that is totally fucked up. You would hope his mates, family or boss would let him know that this is cruel and dangerous.
    I reckon I see at least two near misses with young guys in utes each week. They can’t judge distance x the power or in most cases the lack of engine power very well.

  29. I grew up with cattle dogs in rural VIC. My grandfather tied his kelpies like this until he watched one attempt to bungee off the side. Thankfully he was able to immediately stop and scoop her up back into the tray before any permanent damage occurred (mind you this was a standard ute tray with the side panels and without any tool boxes or fancy fit out). Since then he tethered them with enough length to sit and stand but not enough for a paw to reach the side rails.
    I now have a dual cab ute with a standard tray but my pooches ride in the back seat. I’d rather eat a light bulb than risk anything happening to my gorgeous doggos.

    Can’t understand why you wouldn’t just put a dog box on there if you clearly have the cash for the flash set up. They don’t even have half of a tray to sit on. Makes me sick to my stomach. Use a harness at least!