This has just appeared on the outside of my window. Does anyone know what it could possibly be?

Posted by mind_pre


  1. Looks like chicken skin. Probably a bird dropped it. My daughter had a whole chicken drumstick dropped on her by a crow when she was walking home from school.

  2. makeitlegalaussie on

    Someone is using the skin of a chicken to pull themselves with and they left it on ya windowsill?

  3. littlebitofpuddin on

    The ridges make me think it’s a baby bird (we’re in the right time of the year), possibly dropped by a bird of prey?

  4. Powerful-Yoghurt-450 on

    If I had to wager a guess, your neighbour was tenderising chicken breast, it stuck to said tenderising hammer, flew out an open kitchen window and now belongs to you. In all of this, hilarity ensued and after the absolute cunt of a day I’ve had, I really wished I’d seen this.

  5. Long_Discipline_5424 on

    It looks like a flying pig has come a cropper, look for the rest, a pig roast could be on the menu.


  6. Butcher birds like to hang their catches in trees. One day I watched one hang a dead snake in my macrame pot holder. Maybe one of them decided this was a good temporary stash spot for some dinner offcuts given to them by a neighbour?

  7. Rough-Tumbleweed-491 on

    It looks like skin, probably chicken? Do you have pets? Could your cat have bought it home? Maybe a bird dropped it?

  8. I’m not sure, but we need to talk about the mould in your window frame, that’s the more troubling part of this photo.