Men have a daily hormone cycle — and it’s synced to their brains shrinking from morning to night


  1. >The study involved scanning a 26-year-old’s brain 40 times in 30 days. Each magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan was collected at either 7 a.m. or 8 p.m., which is when levels of steroid hormones — namely, testosterone, cortisol and estradiol — are at their highest and lowest, respectively.

    >It’s also key to note that this pattern was seen in only one person’s brain, and different patterns may emerge in different people.

  2. >However, it’s not yet clear whether the hormones drive the brain changes, the study authors wrote in a report published Wednesday.

    I think it’s reasonable to assume that the many changes “synced” my your sleep cycle may not share a causative relationship. These could just be two separate ways being awake generates wear and waste throughout the body that sleep corrects for the next day.

  3. So they found some 26 year old kid and scanned the shit out of his brain for 30 consecutive days? Does that guy have brain cancer now?

  4. Let’s announce the results as an effect had on every man on earth before determining whether this individual is an anomaly. That strategy went really well in the past. /s

  5. I know it needs to be studied a lot more but is it something that can be used to manipulate sperm production?