1. redditor0918273645 on

    Poor Yuriy. He needs to be provided all the professional help he needs to rebuild his life.

  2. ProfessionalCreme119 on

    Those eyes when he’s looking at her. I can’t even compare that face to another to determine what emotion he’s feeling. Like there’s nothing there. Just void.

  3. Heartbreaking. I hope the NATO nations that are not allowing western long-range weapons to be used start rethinking their opinions. Putin and enablers deserve to suffer.

  4. And some in the west want to drop support for Ukraine. Imagine this being an American soldier on the news in the US. I cannot imagine the suffering he has been through, just for protecting his country.

  5. I remember reading a report from a Danish volunteer in Ukraine. She mentioned that she always kept an extra grenade on her in case she was in danger of being captured by Russians.

    Preferring death rather than capture speaks volumes of the monstrosities Russia conducts.

  6. Delicious_Advice_243 on

    If anyone knows of a crowdfund for this guy’s rehabilitation please could someone post it here?

    Modern medical technology can go a long way but it’s extremely expensive.

  7. BawkBawkISuckCawk on

    I don’t understand why anyone would surrender to Russia, it’s a fate worse than death…but then again I’m not in his shoes and have no right to judge. 💔