Legault wants Bloc to help trigger election, vote against Trudeau Liberals in non-confidence motion



  1. This Blanchet is really leaning into the kingmaker persona with this. Kind of seems like an arrogant prick. Fitting considering what he represents lol

  2. What a strange dynamic. A federal party that has the sole purpose of representing one province at odds with the Premier of that same province.

  3. The Bloc normally reflects the desires of the Quebec provincial government, so some pressure from Legault isn’t insignificant. Blanchet’s brushing it off now, but we’ll see what the PQ say. If they want separatism, having a Conservative government in Ottawa they can attack as being “against Quebec’s interests” will make their jobs easier for them in pushing for another referendum.

  4. Glacial_Shield_W on

    The bloc already responded with a no. The treasonous/seperatist party has no interest in serving Canadians, only Quebec, and even then, only when it suits them.

  5. Glacial_Shield_W on

    The bloc already responded with a no. The treasonous/separatist party has no interest in serving Canadians, only Quebec, and even then, only when it suits them.

  6. NervousBreakdown on

    lol I saw some conservatives complaining about the bloc on twitter last night so I just started replying to them with “Alberta should have its own federal party that only cares about Alberta!” Maybe it will catch on and sink conservatives for a couple decades.

  7. lol ther’s no way this happens.

    The CAQ is so unpopular right now, there’s no way Blanchet listens to him so we can elect a conservative party that is even less popular than the CAQ.

    Keep dreaming cons