Elena Lasconi says that Iohannis is “begging for positions”, after learning that PNL wants to amend the law especially for him. Why is he “perceived as lazy”
Posted by itrustpeople
Another lasconi nothingburger post. Faina viata cand esti in opozitie fara nici un pic de putere. Iti bati pu—pizda de toata lumea.
Vreau o lume in care lasconi sa iasa cu niste proiecte de reconstructie usr dupa dezastrul lasat de jegurile alea de drula si barna. Am inteles ma, iohannis did bad, nu este nevoie sa-mi spamezi subul cu o singura idee zile intregi
Nimic nu e mai tare decat Iohannis iesind public pe 24 februarie si urand romanilor “la multi ani”.