Meanwhile in my building the Hausverwaltung had removed the organic bins because people threw almost everything in
Cortana_CH on
We already use WeRecycle and it‘s great.
ihatebeinganonymous on
I believe interesting times are ahead, given how many different types of “plastic” out there is. I’m still trying to fully learn the difference between paper and cardboard :-/
TheShroomsAreCalling on
that’s pretty cool. my ordinary waste bags pretty much only contain plastics, everything else is recycled. so if they recycle all those plastics I won’t have to get waste bags anymore 😀
Mauremur on
It’s high time! This is good news.
chrismantle on
It would be better if the Bund would just make a solution, or force the Kantons to do something about it. The fact that private for-profit organizations have to go in and make (another) solution is embarrassing
Barone999 on
But will the plastic recycling be for free? Whats the source of that news? Thanks
TheRealMudi on
What’s the difference between this and dropping of my plastic at the local migros?
Meanwhile in my building the Hausverwaltung had removed the organic bins because people threw almost everything in
We already use WeRecycle and it‘s great.
I believe interesting times are ahead, given how many different types of “plastic” out there is. I’m still trying to fully learn the difference between paper and cardboard :-/
that’s pretty cool. my ordinary waste bags pretty much only contain plastics, everything else is recycled. so if they recycle all those plastics I won’t have to get waste bags anymore 😀
It’s high time! This is good news.
It would be better if the Bund would just make a solution, or force the Kantons to do something about it. The fact that private for-profit organizations have to go in and make (another) solution is embarrassing
But will the plastic recycling be for free? Whats the source of that news? Thanks
What’s the difference between this and dropping of my plastic at the local migros?
Most plastics can’t be recycled though.
What matters is to stop using plastic everywhere.