August Russian oil exports at lowest level in 3 years[pull]=omeda|8765H4169845A5C&utm_campaign=CPS240916030&utm_medium=email&utm_source=OGJ+Daily
Posted by Summitjunky
I hope those criminals go broke.
Meanwhile the US, Brazil and Guyana keep increasing their oil production which lowers global prices.
I’m sorry, your graph lacks sufficient data to show a trend that can be proved non-random for Russian Crude Exports.
Please attack five more refineries and resubmit.
Flood the market, bring oil down to $10 per barrel.
nah, nah, everything is fine, russian economy is totally growing, they got 68 year old ivan to make shells in a factory just like he did 35 years ago, everything going according to great leaders plan
Still too much