G'day again Slagicals,


We weren't expecting to write one of these again so soon. At this point, we think it's probably safe to say that the entire community is aware of yesterday's post, in which a potentially illegal-looking lease advertisement was revealed. What you probably don't know, however, is how Wills Property responded, and we think the community should be aware.


First, the original advertisement appears to have been deleted not long after the post was made.


Next, Wills Property contacted us, claiming that the NSW Police Force had told them to request we remove the post. We advised Wills Property that the NSWPF are perfectly capable of contacting us themselves. We are yet to receive contact from NSW Police.


In addition, OP contacted us, seeking advice regarding the post and alleging harassment by Wills Property, including unsolicited contact to OP's family members to pressure them into removing the post. As evidence of this harassment, OP has provided us the linked screenshots. While we are unwilling to share precisely how Wills Property obtained OP's contact details, we understand the evidence currently suggests that a degree of cyberstalking was employed to obtain this information. Due to the harassment, OP has also made the decision to switch Reddit accounts.


Further, we note that someone with access to Wills Property's Google account has replied to a negative review by citing the reviewer's workplace. This appears, on the face of it, to be a blatant attempt at intimidation of both OP and others who draw attention to the advertisement.


To be clear, this is not a call to action. We do not want you to contact, harass, intimidate, or otherwise disrupt this business or any person associated with it. However, if you are considering a real estate agent, perhaps think twice about using a business that stalks, intimidates, and harasses people who say things they don't like.


Semper Ferocis,


Your Slagical Mod Team.

Posted by AutoModerator


  1. Seconding from me to please not use this opportunity to threaten them, review bomb them or engage in any sort of harassment which is going to give them cause to continue harrassing me and my family.

    This is in the interest of transparency and honesty about the experiences of myself and others, all because we shared screenshots of a rental listing.

  2. Absolutely wild. How on Earth can you a) effectively tenant that (is it even legal?), b) effectively employ slave labour but worse because *you’re* paying *them* (llegal)*,* and c) willfully try to skirt around laws concerning working with children (illegal).

    Even if a) is legal/able to be tenanted, b and c is still wild af.