I have a bit of stage fright and English is not my first language so I’m stressed about doing the “vows” and “rings” part of the ceremony.

See the photo attached. We will be only saying those vows (not personalised). I know we will meet with the celebrant prior to the ceremony but if anyone could please help answer these questions:

  • I am confused about the order: does one person first say their 2 lines for the vows, and then the rings line, and give the ring to the other person, and then the same for the other person starting with the vows again? Or do each person first say the 2 lines for the vows and then the rings…

  • when we have to repeat after the celebrant, how long are the sentences? Is it just a few words at a time, or pretty much half the sentence?

  • we will not have ring holders or bridesmaids etc. Can the celebrant hold our rings during the first part of the ceremony, or how?

Posted by South-Copy-9954


  1. they’ll walk you through it don’t worry so on the day just confirm with the celebrant but from memory it’s each doing the “i call upon…..” then you each do the rings part. …it’s been a minute so i could be wrong. but just ask the celebrant they’ll be happy to help

  2. Don’t worry about it. It is the job of the celebrant to get you through this part of the ceremony. Most couples don’t get through this bit without at least a couple of stumbles and what not. You can’t mess it up in any way that matters.

    That said, the usual order is:

    1. Partner one makes their vow
    2. Partner two makes their vow
    3. Partner one presents their ring
    4. Partner two presents their ring

    At every step, the celebrant usually whispers a couple of words to you at a time, then you repeat those words. For example:

    *Celebrant (whisper):* I call upon those here present..

    *Partner one (out loud):* I call upon those here present..

    *Celebrant (whispers):* to witness that I, John Paul Jones..

    *Partner one (out loud):* to witness that I, John Paul Jones..

    and so on like that.

  3. They’ll walk you through it all, and lead the ceremony.

    Relax, let them do the work, and enjoy the day. Hope you and your spouse to be have a great day!

  4. The celebrant can adjust for you! If you’re more comfy with a few words at a time they can do that.

    You guys can keep the rings or you could give them to the celebrant day of.

  5. I had a registry wedding. You basically don’t need to do anything. Your celebrant will lead you through it and tell you everything you need to say as the time comes!

  6. Celebrants are usually great at understanding what people need – they see a lot of different people under unusual circumstances so they’ve definitely helped people who are more nervous than you

    If you have a quiet chat before the official ceremony they will be very happy to give you and your partner a nod when it’s time to say each line

    You could also find some YouTube videos of Qld registry weddings and watch the order of proceedings
