Ohio Sheriff who told public to write down the address of Harris supporters says those individuals with liberal policies have to accept responsibility for their actions



  1. WhileFalseRepeat on

    > “With elections, there are consequences. I believe that those who vote for individuals with liberal policies have to accept responsibility for their actions!” – Portage County Sheriff, Bruce Zuchowski

    Something-something weaponization of government.

  2. “those individuals with liberal policies have to accept responsibility for their actions”

    That’s kinda the problem, isn’t it? Trump, Vance and a bunch of other conservatives never accept responsibility for their actions.

  3. Voter intimidation is a crime. This sheriff should accept responsibility for encouraging crime by resigning immediately.

  4. Contrary to what he claims, elected sheriffs *are* politicians!

    >*That being said…I believe that those who vote for individuals with liberal policies have to accept responsibility for their actions!*

    I wonder if he believes that those who vote for individuals with fascist policies have to accept responsibility for their actions? I doubt it…

  5. >I…as the elected sheriff, do have a first amendment right as do all citizens

    As a civilian, yes. As an elected government employee, no he does not. Since he made the comments on his public figure page and not his personal facebook page, he is not protected by “free speech”.

  6. Asshole should be sitting in jail for this, dude would’ve fit right in with the brownshirts in the 30”s.

  7. >those individuals with liberal policies have to accept responsibility for their actions

    now if you’ll excuse me i have to go beat the shit out of my mistress

  8. youthfuloldster on

    You can just imagine the crimes against citizens this guy has gotten away with up until he stuck his out just now.

  9. They want decent health insurance, public education, and for people to love who they love, for people to be treated equally, and their tax dollars to be spent on roads bridges and things for the public benefit.

    What Monsters they are!

  10. Apparently, being threatened by your sheriff is a reasonable consequence for being a liberal. /s

  11. Longwinded way of saying we will get you. Seriously he pretty much calls out liberals as having to answer for their actions. Typical Republican doubling down on stuff they should be apologizing for.

  12. PlentyMacaroon8903 on

    This fucking moron actually posts just like Trump. What a piece of shit. Imagine how stupid a person has to be to look UP to Trump mentally.

  13. I wonder if he is one of those sovereign sheriffs that believes they are above the president and government?

  14. The GOP has consistently used fear tactics to win votes.

    Liberal voters do generally take responsibility for their actions. I’m not sure what “responsibility” would be in line with putting a sign in my yard.

    Would this “responsibility” be a $ fine? Community Service? Jail? Prison? Detention camp? Execution?

    It’s a slippery slope. Who is this guy running against? Maybe every progressive reading this can use actblue to donate to donate to the opponent’s campaign.

  15. LurkerFailsLurking on

    Unless the Department of Justice starts prosecuting these people as domestic terrorists, it’s going to keep getting worse.

  16. For what exactly you mouth breather? Maybe it’s time for YOU to face the consequences of your actions.

  17. I’m not a politician! Says man in elected position. We’re not dealing with the brightest of people here.

  18. So the Portage County Sheriff, Bruce Zuchowski is an unhinged right winged extremist willing to punish the people he pledged to serve and protect just because he doesn’t agree with their freedom of choice and opinions. They haven’t broken any laws like the candidate he supports.

  19. ClippedAtTheHip on

    “Stop calling us Fascists…Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to make a list of my enemies and use the power of government to exact revenge upon them”.

  20. Well, this mustachioed thick skulled piece of trash is thankfully on the ballot in November. His [opponent, Jon Barber](https://voteforbarber.com/) seems to be a much more stable choice. Portage County, the choice is up to you my friends.

  21. According to the citizens against his reelection, this guy has a history of wrong doing,  including guns disappearing from evidence, prisoners illegally used for labor, and sketchy financial transactions. 

  22. He’s up for re-election


    >In the comments under the post on his personal Facebook page, one supporter replied with the name and street of someone with a Harris sign. “I’ll add that name to the list,” another replied. Someone else commented, “Making a list and checking it twice.”

    >As of Sept. 15, that post had hundreds of reactions and over 100 shares.

    >Zuchowski faces a Democratic challenger to his re-election bid in November. He did not reply to questions emailed to him on Sept. 14.