India considers joining Russia, China to build nuclear plant on Moon


  1. If it’s like anything else Russia seems to build these days, China and India might be better off on their own.

  2. Maybe this will kick America into overdrive and actually give nasa a real budget instead of the scrap they have been getting for 50 years.

  3. agentcooper0115 on

    Lol, ok! Cuba and Malta are also considering building an amusement park together on Mars. Go for it, guys!

  4. Considering how tense relationships are between China and India, the fact that they’re willing to cooperate on something like this is very surprising, but also welcoming. This should be a win for everybody.

  5. “Delhi has not commented on the purported collaboration.” Are we talking out of our ass again?

  6. I wonder how you cool a nuclear reactor in vacuum. On earth they use the atmosphere and a massive uninterrupted supply of water. 

  7. Russia can’t even manage to avoid creating new craters on the moon with their landers… not even close to thinking they’ll be able to pull of something as complex as building a nuclear power plant on the moon.

  8. Pretty stupid idea considering you need to boil water which DOESN’T EXIST ON THE MOON. Just put solar panels and batteries up there like we’ve done for 80 years.

  9. whyamihereagain6570 on

    Anyone ever see the old show, Space 1999? This is what’s gonna happen if they build that thing up there.

  10. How exactly does a nuclear reactor boil water in a vacuum? And wouldn’t that mean you’d run out of water very quickly?

  11. ihavenoidea12345678 on

    India joining China in space should make Congress and NASA ashamed of themselves.

    A new NASA admin will be welcome.

    India should see value in Artemis, or Artemis needs to expand to be more inclusive than just the good old boys.

    The moon in the next decades may resemble the scramble for Africa in the 1800s.
    We can do better.