Israel detonates Hezbollah walkie-talkies in second wave after pager attack


  1. At this point people in hezbollah are going to be throwing away all their electronics.

    Can you trust anything recently bought? Your microwave or toaster could blow up

  2. Israel detonates **terrorist** attack on Hezbollah’s walkie-talkies in second wave after pager attack

  3. I first read that as “Israel *donates* walkie talkies”. Thinking that’s some 4d trolling right there.

  4. What are they targeting next? Israel is destroying their communication channel for their next move? Maybe they plan on something major this was just done to scare inflict damage and disrupt.

  5. Logical_Welder3467 on

    They got the shipment at the same time for the pagers, how can you be so dumb to not immediatly throw it away?

  6. This is far out. I know turning common devices into bombs is nothing new, but the scale and sophistication suggest it would be difficult to defend against.

    What if this were weaponized by a country that already has a large role in manufacturing or supply chain for consumer electronics?

  7. Maybe, just maybe, if you’re a terrorist organization, you should open up electronics that get shipped to you in a clean room – making assumptions that they have bombs in them? And just generally not trust that the devices you’re getting haven’t been tampered with – and that includes modified chips that might decrease encryption capabilities.

  8. Nations need to start checking at least a few of every shipment of electronics they receive from foreign suppliers.

  9. I remember we got angry when Putin was assassinating people on the streets of the UK, something tells me this won’t be met with the same outrage

  10. >The two sources said Israel’s goal in the second wave of attacks was to increase paranoia and fear in Hezbollah’s ranks, in an attempt to press the militia’s leadership to change its policy regarding the conflict with Israel

    Really? ….. This is what you think would happen? 🙄

  11. This is an act of war and aggression, plain and simple. Israel better get ready for some sort of retaliation…and maybe not act the victims this time around?

    Nah, that’s asking for too much :).

  12. Hezbollah has extensive tunnel systems. Probably some of the rigged devices were down there out of the range of a triggering signal.

    While these attacks have been spectacularly successful from a tactical perspective, it’s likely that some of the explosives will not have detonated, and will be reverse-engineered.

    A Pandora’s Box of (apparently) very-hard-to-detect explosives in consumer electronic devices has been opened.

  13. Some videos show civilians, including children being mutilated by this. 10 adults, 2 children confirmed dead so far. If any other group did this, they would be considered terrorists.

  14. IndictedPenguin on

    I don’t know how anyone is not understanding the implications of this it’s fucking terrifying.

  15. The wild thing is they were able to identify and intercept a shipment bought by Hezbollah. They obviously had information that they were planning an attack.

  16. So now IDF members including ambassadors and knesset Members are fair game in whichever country in the world? Civilian members are just casualties of war?

    When does this madness end?

  17. We used to hear “If Mossad wants to get you, get you they will.” No place is safe once they have set their sights on you. Israel living up to the saying

  18. How did none of these pagers ever get flagged at an airport?

    Seems like with 500 of them out there someone would have stumbled into an airport security queue with one of them

  19. RaccoonEnthuiast on

    I sure hope these devices were sold ONLY to whoever was targetted and will not end up on Amazon or eBay

  20. I always thought this exact trick would be great to see in a movie. Now it’s real life, even better. “Beep beep beep 💥BOOM !”

  21. It’s a lot harder to call them “Hezbollah electronic devices” when cell phone shops are blowing up, but that won’t stop anyone of course.