Quantum computers teleport and store energy harvested from empty space: A quantum computing protocol makes it possible to extract energy from seemingly empty space, teleport it to a new location, then store it for later use



  1. New_Scientist_Mag on

    From the article: “Energy cannot be created from nothing, but physicists found a way to do the next best thing: extract energy from seemingly empty space, teleport it elsewhere and store it for later use. The researchers successfully tested their protocol using a quantum computer.

    The laws of quantum physics reveal that perfectly empty space cannot exist – even places fully devoid of atoms still contain tiny flickers of quantum fields. In 2008, Masahiro Hotta at Tohoku University in Japan proposed that those flickers, together with the quantum property of entanglement, could be used to teleport energy between two places

    Very few physicists engaged with his work until 2023, when two research groups independently implemented the idea in a pair of experiments. But both hit the same snag: once energy was teleported, it couldn’t be stored – instead, it leaked into the environment, says [Sabre Kais](https://www.chem.purdue.edu/kais/) at Purdue University in Indiana. He and his colleagues have now worked out how to remedy this.

    Eduardo Martín-Martínez at the University of Waterloo in Canada, who worked on one of the 2023 experiments, says that Hotta’s original idea was a revolutionary trick for skirting the rules of how energy is usually transferred. Building on it, as the new work does, continues to expand the physicists’ toolbox for transferring energy in novel ways.

    However, he says that more definitive experiments are needed to test the protocol, such as using two carbon atoms. Although the researchers tested their theory within a quantum computer program, that was more akin to a simulation than an experiment, says Martín-Martínez.”

  2. Can somebody who knows physics please explain to me how this isn’t actually energy from nothing and isn’t actually teleportation?

  3. can someone please link to the paper that involves the solution to the energy leak that sabre kais was involved with?

  4. I assume that the New Scientist article is referring to [Quantum Energy Teleportation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_Energy_Teleportation), which was demonstrated about [18 months ago](https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.02666). There is no free energy involved, energy is put into the quantum vacuum by one party and then the quantum information is send to the other party allowing them to extract that energy themselves. So energy is not teleported, just the quantum information.

    From the research article “Quantum teleportation has enabled the transfer of quantum information, but teleportation of quantum physical quantities has not yet been realized”. Not sure how the other party accesses the energy and whether it’s just local quantum vacuum energy that’s entangled with the energy put in by the first party.

  5. Yay! New CPU can extract energy from nothing!

    Narrator “but it still runs hot and draws 500w”

  6. The headline has an important word, it’s “possible”. Will it ever actually work, that remains to be seen.

  7. I see this same technology 5 years ago in the conspiracy pages Lol …they finally find out empty space is not empty like they use to think and was just another wrong theory create by his ignorance

  8. A lot of tech we use everyday started as science papers less solid than this. We may or may not get this in 50yrs.

  9. takeiteasynottooeasy on

    Probably the better question to ask is whether this can be done without expending more energy in the process of doing this than you’re capturing. My gut says probably not.

  10. Can someone come along and explain why this isn’t actually a big deal?

    Like how it’s “technically” true but is practically useless?