I want to share this text that I found in the British archives, published in their media in 1895. The British correspondents from Macedonia testify in their reports about the artificial ‘Bulgarianization’ of the Macedonian population: AUGUST 20, 1895.
The pure-blooded Slavs who occupied Macedonia, and more or less the entire western part of the Balkan peninsula, did not have much sympathy for the new breed of Bulgarian-Slovenes who more or less occupied the eastern part of the peninsula. The difference in blood, dialect, and to some extent folklore, was one of the reasons why Samuel’s Bulgarian Empire did not last long. The lack of sympathy between the Eastern (Bulgarians) and Western Slavs (Macedonians) of the Balkan Peninsula has survived all the changes of the last eight hundred years. If you take the average Macedonian Slav who has not yet felt the effects of artificial Bulgarianization, you will find that he has more sympathy for the Serbs, with whom he shares the same customs and almost the same language. The Macedonian dialect is certainly much closer to Serbian than to Bulgarian. The separation of the Bulgarian Church from the Greek Patriarchate in Constantinople, the creation of the Bulgarian Exarchate, the nomination of Bulgarian bishops in Macedonia, the systematic support of Bulgarian propaganda in that province, and the Treaty of San Stefano were only parts of a great plan conceived by the Russian Pan-Slavists and carried out by General Ignatiyev. The aim of the plan was nothing less than to put the entire Balkan peninsula under Russian rule.
THE Cunning of the Muscovite.
Thus, Russia was the second and most powerful agent for the Bulgarianization of Macedonia. Her work, the Bulgarian Exarchate, was not an institution for religious purposes; she is only disguised with priestly robes, but in reality, she is a powerful political engine with only political goals. The Exarch, aided by monetary contributions from Moscow, was able from 1870 to cover Macedonia with a network of Bulgarian political agencies, seeing that every priest and every teacher sent to Macedonian villages and towns was chosen by the Bulgarians and trained to work by all means. for Bulgarianization of the province. The Macedonians, Serbs and Greeks did all they could to defend themselves, but they fought at a great disadvantage, seeing that the Porte facilitated it and Russia encouraged it and helped the Bulgarian propaganda. Under such circumstances, it was no wonder that the Bulgarians achieved some success. In the last twenty-five years, their priests and teachers have been able to create a new generation that can speak the "the language of the school" — namely, Bulgarian, while the older generation and most of those who have not gone through Bulgarian schools, to this day speak a dialect completely different from Bulgarian.
Now, although the Exarchate has done much during the last twenty-five years, no one knows better than the Exarchate that things are not yet ripe enough to attempt a great stroke. If you ask the Exarchate what he wants in the present circumstances, he will answer you: "Let the Sultan re-establish four more Bulgarian dioceses in Macedonia, and the country will remain peaceful for at least another quarter of a century."
If the Sultan expresses his readiness to grant independence to Macedonia as early as tomorrow, I believe that the Bulgarian Exarchate would be decisively against such a course, for the simple reason that autonomy would give the Serbs and the Greeks chances to defend and strengthen their national interests in Macedonia. I think only recently the Bulgarian Exarch said in an interview that "Macedonia is not yet ripe for autonomy." From the Bulgarian point of view, the Exarch is absolutely right. All he wants now is more tools, more agents and more time to continue Bulgarian propaganda operations in Macedonia. But now there is a new troubling element that is allowed to come into play. It is Prince Ferdinand’s personal ambition.

Excerpt from:
"Bulgarian Propaganda about Macedonia 1895 seen by the British" Newspapers.com, The Pall Mall Gazette, August 20, 1895, link

В. Британија сведок како се одвивала Бугарската пропаганда во Македонија по Берлинскиот Конгрес
byu/Suitable_Cow6560 inmkd

Posted by Suitable_Cow6560


  1. Самият Гоце, пишейки, че е чист българин, и той ли е бил “жертва на бугаризацията”? 🙂

    Иначе всеки може да си пише каквото иска по вестниците, автентичните историческите извори, много от които вие не искате са опознаете, анулират всички ваши тези.

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    После ратот Тито па со Стаљин праат пропагиран попис за да го лапне и Пирин Југославија ама пука тиквата меѓу нив и Тито иде у неврзаните со шо па му се отвара америчкиот пазар. Политика е интерес.