This is so Danish. You recognize a fine performance by the substitute, and at the same time find a solution that suits those on sick leave. So it can do something. On the other hand, they stuck to the predecessor far beyond what could be defended, and they almost manage to abdicate the responsibility of finding a qualified replacement. Both appropriate and wildly inappropriate at the same time. Crazy enough.
Posted by friheden
Virker som om dbu allerede har taget en beslutning om at Wieghorst kommer tilbage i rollen som cheftræner – men at de to næste kampe er vigtige og han ikke kan nÃ¥ at fÃ¥ dem forberedt godt nok i løbet af den nuværende tidshorisont
Vil blive meget overrasket hvis Lars også er cheftræner i november
Det er fantastisk at se DBU være så glad for middelmådighed.