Neuralink Gets FDA Go-ahead for Developing Device that Lets Blind-from-birth People See like Geordi La Forge


  1. imaginary_num6er on

    Submission statement:

    >Commenting on the development, Musk set expectations for what the very first version of the device is capable of—it interfaces with the visual cortex, and lets visually impaired people, including those that have been blind from birth, see for the first time, however, this vision is of low resolution—resembling “Atari graphics,”

  2. Elon says people will eventually get the ultraviolet, infrared and even RADAR vision. What a time to be alive!

  3. This is good news. Anyone well versed in ST:TNG certainly knows how reliable Geordi’s visor was throughout the life of the series. Yep, definitely never had any issues with that thing.

  4. Pitiful-Reaction9534 on

    Given how Elon’s brain is now like 50% coke and ketamine…

    …can we pump the breaks on letting him control more sci-fi stuff? It’s getting a little out of hand, and he seriously cannot be trusted.