Yesterday the cabinet revealed their budget plans for 2025 (Prinsjesdag) which also includes their plans for Ukraine.


Support for Ukraine The war in Ukraine also affects security in Europe and the Netherlands. The Netherlands therefore continues to support Ukraine politically, militarily, financially and morally against Russian aggression. The Netherlands does this both bilaterally and in a European and NATO context. The government supports Ukraine with €252 million. That money is for humanitarian aid. But also for the restoration of important (energy) infrastructure.

In addition, the Netherlands will continue to support Ukraine with military aid. By supplying military equipment and training the Ukrainian armed forces. In 2025, this support is estimated at €2.3 billion.

In short, the Netherlands continues its support for Ukraine polically, militairy, financial and moral vs the Russian agression.€252 million for humanitarian / electricity network

€2,3 billion for Ukraine military, this includes material and training

The Netherlands to allocate €2,5 billion to Ukraine for 2025
byu/Erageftw inukraine

Posted by Erageftw


  1. Affectionate-Leek668 on

    the dutch have not forgotten the jet liner that was shot down over ukraine by russia many years ago……

  2. That is absolutely massive! Thank you, my Dutch friends. Hopefully, America finishes donating the remaining aid already promised and steps it up to about 100 billion in 2025 to keep it proportional to our GDP. Can’t be outdone by the Netherlands and Baltic states, so we better get it done 😉

  3. If anyone is left with any residual doubt of Dutch resolve, they are the ones who decided that the Atlantic ocean looked like it would be a very nice place to live, and then systematically and methodically drove it out of their country