What happened, for example, at Pantelimon or in other hospitals in Romania is very much related to the part of communication with the patient, who should know, beyond the precise diagnosis he will receive, what is going to happen to him, he must to have this dialogue with the patient, there must be dialogue with the patient’s family and all these things are what will strengthen the patient’s safety”, said Rafila.
Silly me… I thought that they already had in their reflexes to distribute justice, to decide who lives and who is to be left…
Otherwise, I’m going to the hospital with my mother now, knowing that the doctor is going to tell me that she can leave!
- But doctor, maybe something can be done?
- Maybe, but I certainly can’t be blamed for having a communication problem. – You are right, doctor, forgive me
Posted by Leading_Bison_5948
Cazul Pantelimon din perspectiva lui Rafila:
>Doctorita: Urmeaza sa te omor
>Pacient: Ce? Nu am auzit
și eu care credeam ca problema e la procurori, ca nu sunt în stare sa facă în morții lor un dosar cum trebuie
> Judecătorii Curții de Apel București arată „la patru luni de la ridicarea înscrisurilor medicale şi a datelor stocate de injectomate, **organele de urmărire penală nu au strâns date nici măcar cu privire la vreun alt caz de malpraxis al medicului anchetat**, astfel că, cel puţin până în prezent, acuzaţia iniţială nu se confirmă”.
Living in a strange situation
Rafila, un monstru al sistemului