JD Vance says US could drop support for NATO if Europe tries to regulate Elon Musk’s platforms: Republican vice presidential nominee says ‘Germans and other nations’ – not Russia – would ‘have to fund Ukraine’s reconstruction’



  1. Aggravating_Set_8861 on

    So the Republicans are officially transferring their platform to a Technocracy? Be careful what you wish for…

  2. Can’t help but notice OP posted this crap, fresh from the sewage plant, without OP’s own words condemning it. So is this an anti-TrumpVance post, or is this a pro-TrumpVance post? Frankly, I can’t tell.

  3. Zealousideal-Car5375 on

    Would love to see Germany sue the US government and US companies for damages for use of German patents stolen in the aftermath WWII as a reaction. Just for fun…

  4. It could be that the Russian propaganda for Russia
    doesn’t trust Trump.
    Russian propaganda station “Govorit Moskva” yesterday:

    “The State Duma urged not to take Donald Trump’s campaign promises about Russian Federation seriously
    If the politician becomes President of the United States, he will act on the basis of the position of the **“deep state”**.
    This opinion was shared by Dmitry Novikov, first deputy chairman of the lower house committee on
    international affairs, in a conversation with the Govorit Moskva radio station.

    “Donald Trump claimed that he has the ability to quickly find common ground with Putin,
    and that he will not allow to make the conflict in Ukraine become the beginning of World War III,
    that he will quickly resolve the conflict with his own intervention.
    That this is necessarily true, we cannot take Trump’s words at face value.
    He says this because he needs to take his own position in the election, different from the Democrats,
    and differentiate himself from his opponents by doing so.
    But if elected, no one can guarantee that Trump will really act as a peacemaker in Ukraine,
    because he will not be able to make decisions on his own.
    He will have to rely on reports, on the position of the intelligence agencies,
    of the deep state. What he takes into account today is one situation.
    And what he will take into account as president,
    to whom the interests of the United States of America will be explained with references,
    figures, closed reports, secret reports – these will be two completely different stories.”

    However this is Russian propaganda.
    So it has to be taken with the appropriate amount of salt.

  5. 1949 year. USA at the same time wants to gain control over European security due to fear of a new pan-European war. And very afraid to give any clear guarantees because USA still don’t know that the USSR preparing not for take over of Europe but occupation of everything from India to Turkey and Israel (Korean war was needed for preparatory “stretching of the front” and “war fatigue”).

    After very difficult negotiations, Europe got opportunity to focus on post-war reconstruction, USA industrialists got enormous military orders, and USA politicians got non-binding Article 5 (“assistance that member state deems necessary”, that later, after successful soviet “special measures”, became main reasons for France semi-withdrawal from NATO).

    2024 year: “NATO? Mask!”

  6. I want to say he was wanting Europe to foot the bill anyway, so has he just added the Musk aspect or what that missing from his whining the other day.

  7. It’s funny that (alot of) his voters are so ignorant they can’t understand that their country’s power relies on putting (and here; to deliver assistance) its military everywhere.
    Some people in Europe, who want to end up the “dependance” to US, would even prefer Trump to be elected just to “end it for good”…

    This said US wasted more than 2 trillions in Afghanistan… How much for Ukraine ?

  8. Why does every republican politician nowadays has to be a piece of shit! It is like a starter kit – bigotry, pro- dictators, anti-NATO and generally very weird