JD Vance Says U.S. Support For NATO Should Be Linked to EU Not Regulating Elon Musk’s Social Media Platform


Posted by Beautiful-Health-976


  1. Desperate-Buffalo- on

    JD Vance should be launched into the sun but that isn’t going to happen either.
    Unless Elon plans to colonize the sun, which at this point wouldn’t surprise me.

  2. He’s just saying out loud what has always been US policy – which is to use the US Military to advance US corporate interests.

  3. Of course he would say this. Vance and Musk are fascist little shits who thrive on spewing bullshit. They hate the idea of anyone checking their rhetoric.

    “If I need to create stories so that the … media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people then that’s what I’m going to do”
    From his Dana Bash interview recently.

  4. Thunderbird_Anthares on

    holy crap, what kind of a bizarre alternate reality have i stepped into

    how are people like these even popular enough to be “known” in the US, let alone seek government positions…. what the hell is going on

  5. Can you imagine that. A guy financed by the same group who financed all Musk’s businesses is a lobbyist for Musk. Crazy world.
    I’ll go watch another video about “shadow elites, who don’t want your people’s guy, Donald Trump, to win”.

  6. I’m slightly optimistic right now, but overall still extremely worried about these morons winning the election. If they manage to win, it’s going to be *bad*, and not just for the US but for the whole free world.

  7. KingStephen2226 on

    I do appreciate that, while being genuinely evil, these idiots have cartoonish levels of brainrot.

  8. Born_in_the_purple on

    What the hell is this timeline. Corporate America dictates foreign american policies…wait a minute…

  9. Few-Worldliness2131 on

    Does this moron even know there’s a difference between NATO and the EU😩 How has the quality of American politicians sunk so low.

  10. Yeah, and next EU trade deal with USA should be linked to reinstating Roe v. Wade and actual gun control..

  11. Effective_Wasabi_150 on

    In other words: He’s using our security as a lever to do his crazy rich buddy a little solid. Next week it will be something different. It does not matter. The important part is: When these people rule america, stable peace in Europe is over.

  12. PoliticalCanvas on

    “Only countries which share American values should receive USA help” not a bad message per se.

    It’s analog of popular on r/europe message “Hungary should or share European values or stop receiving EU help.”

    But in contest of NATO and X?

    What? USA from the first days of post-WW2 tried to tie up European security to itself. It was sanctum sanctorum of the USA foreign policy. And now all of this potentially could be not actual because of Mask? What? Like, really, what?

  13. If trump is elected, we can expect raw power politics, in the most petty way possible

    The EU will have to adapt quickly and get prepared to survive without the US.

    Some of the EU leaders already understand, but not enough is being done

    The EU needs to become a military, technological, production and scientific powerhouse, potentially in a matter of months. Its simply impossible.

    And the populists will do nothing.

    It could be a real bleek future.

  14. JD Vance says U.S. should sacrifice it’s security and strategic partnerships for his corporate acquaintance’s benefit.

  15. de_boeuf_etoile on

    These freedom-loving right wing Americans sure do hate if we aren’t slaves to their oligarchs.

  16. Zealousideal-Ant9548 on

    It always amazes me how openly corrupt they can be with no backlash.  Makes me sad for the future of humanity but still amazing all the same

  17. IHerebyDemandtoPost on

    Fuck this guy. NATO is a defensive alliance, it should not ever be linked to non-defense priorities.

  18. “US aid will be tied to public declarations of loyalty to Trump and his gang of noble heroes”

  19. EenGeheimAccount on

    What does he with ‘support for NATO’? Because if he is talking about the 2%, that is what nations invest in their own military.

    So is Vance suggesting the US lowers the budget for its own military? (/s)