as a European, this shit is the funniest thing ever

Posted by Stoned_Ape85


  1. Responsible_Yoda on

    Maybe the USA should lend Kim Jong-un for a few years, just so they can truly see what communism is like.

    They fully deserve it!

  2. MintPasteOrangeJuice on

    Free time machine ticket for all Americans! So they can teleport to Soviet Union and discover what communism is *actually* about.

  3. I’m just waiting for the Brotherhood of Nod to reveal they’re the MAGA / Wagner group troll farm!

  4. These morons don’t have the slightest idea what communism actually is.

    Something I disagree with politically = communism

    Something I disagree with socially = woke

    Their tiny little brains couldn’t grasp a what communism means even if they wanted to try.

  5. funny thing, murican democrats would be a center party in europe. Unions might give them a stroke lol

  6. It is ridiculous, where is the line? How far can you go? Trump is known for having fun with pornostars, lets create a photo. How far can you go? Before it’s not ‘okay’. He was friends with that guy (you know who I mean… You can really destroy someone with this and the tech is getting better and better)

    As a European, this is already too far, its faking imagery. And people are dumb, they use memes as scientific articles these days.

  7. Slow_Concert_6358 on

    Don’t bring these propaganda pics into social media. This is what MAGA idiots want us to do.

  8. The americacentric world view has gone so far, that ai-generated photos of an american presidential candidate that was posted by a different american presidential candidate get’s reposted to r/europe simply because the latter candidate is an asshat

  9. Red scare propaganda is still going strong in America. If you ask the average citizen to tell you what socialism actually is I’m sure most of them will not have a clue.

    Yet they call everything they don’t like communism lmao. Kamala is definitely a centre right politician by European standards

  10. Intoxicatedpossum on

    Americans don’t even know what socialism and communism mean. Dems wouldn’t even be considered left in many EU countries.