It’s in Lidl on Thursday, is it really that good?

Posted by user1234586430


  1. Wind_Yer_Neck_In on

    The stuff in the bottles like that is fine. But it’s a bit like modern Irn Bru, not the same because of the use of artificial sweeteners.

    The glass bottle version uses just sugar and is far, far better.

  2. All depends if it’s the glass bottle traditional one or the cheaper one with sweeteners. The traditional one is lovely, the other not so much.

  3. It’s like a mix between cola and country spring cream soda, imo.

    They’re doing the pineapple and cream soda as well, but the bastards aren’t stocking the smooth banana which is the best.

  4. Haven’t had it in years. I liked it as a kid. My dad used to bring it back from Donegal. I don’t know if they have messed with the formula over the years.

  5. Are you old enough to remember Woppa bars as a kid?

    It tastes like the liquid version of that, and as a kid it was delicious, nowadays it might be a nostalgic novelty that you buy one of.

  6. For 20 euro I get 12x 500ml glass bottles of McDaids delivered to my front door and you can choose whatever flavors you want. Football Special is good but Scottish Cola is better. It’s like a mix of Irn Bru and Red TK Lemonade

  7. Tried it once, my teeth tried to go on strike and leave my face. I really think you need the taste buds of a 7 year old for it, either that or spend your childhood in Donegal

  8. Embarrassed_Art5414 on

    Spent my childhood summers in Ihishowen in the 80s. Every year, 2 weeks of care free happiness.

    I realize in my 50 plus years I’ve idealised those times…but my parents were alive, my siblings were healthy,,,,everything was new and exciting to a few kids from northside Dublin,

    Beach, swimming, fishing with Dad….

    Those days didn’t have a soundtrack…(we were pressing “play + record” as we held the tape recorder against the radio).

    So, no soundtrack, but those days had a taste,

    The bottles were glass, but I’ll happily take a mouthful of nostalgia first chance I get.

  9. the version in the plastic bottle actually comes from Maine Minerals In Co Antrim Now something about the naming right blah blah blah the glass bottle version is still made by the originals