Over 100kg of cocaine worth over €6 million has been seized


Posted by PaddyBee


  1. Zealousideal-Fly6908 on

    Is this just pro garda drug squad propaganda?
    I’ve never met anyone who gives a shit about any bust that has ever happened

  2. What’s that smell in the air? Opportunity! Congrats to the Gards on whacking this particular mole.

  3. Cautious-Hovercraft7 on

    Trophies, to pretend their war on drugs is winning when in reality it doesn’t dent the supply

  4. The sooner someone leaks that genetically engineered strain of yeast that can ferment sugar into cocaine, the better. Undercut the entire market and causes the violent elements to completely collapse.

  5. So anyone know who the “reputable business man” who owns the logistics company is?… his arrest is probably the biggest result.

  6. doorscanbecolours on

    Fella that ran the trucking business was a local from Courtown area. Business was never booming and was always on the edge so they would have been an easy target for this sort of thing.

    Just heard his cousin was done too. The family has an interesting past in the Courtown area as the younger brother of the cousin was done for the gang rape of another local in the 90’s…