One wheel Wonder – Ukrainian combat medic on a unicycle

Posted by Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Exotic-Strawberry667 on

    Some called him eccentric, some called him stupid, and others called an insane asylum. Yet, there’s a definite method to his madness — and most importantly results.

    Meet a Ukrainian TacMed who races across the battle zones on a powered unicycle.

    Source: Command of the Medical Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    Translation: War in Ukraine with English Subtitles

  2. MrIrrelevantsHypeMan on

    Ok, now he’s just showing off.

    To be fair, I’ve seen some weird stuff in combat. It was night and there was a single Taliban messenger crossing through the valley. Not wanting to give away the position of our small team we called in artillery on him. This dude ran probably 3 miles in every zig zag through this valley. I gave up, he deserved to live after all that.

  3. They’re an underrated form of transportation – sure, there’s a learning curve, but the most advanced models are essentially single-wheel motorcycles.

    Coincidentally, that tank-like one is the same model I have – a Veteran Patton.

  4. MikolashOfAngren on

    That medic guy is so wholesome! I’d love to see him keep doing his thing.

    And honestly the unicycle idea isn’t that weird of an idea. His standard combat gear has knee pads and a helmet, so surely he already has the bare minimum of impact safety equipment that people usually wear when skateboarding or rollerblading. His long sleeves and pants should also work to reduce abrasion damage in the case of roadburn.

  5. These Ukrainians are just something else. What fantastic people. Please everyone, talk to your elected representatives, get them more supplies and gear, and weapons and Bradley’s and long range missiles and fighters and help them drive off the Terrorussians. A people yearning to remain free! They need our help.

  6. CapnCrunchHurtz on

    The Ukrainian military is really showing what they can do with what they have. This is really innovative and definitely saving more lives due to the speed of getting this medic to where he is needed most!

    Heroiam Slava!

  7. It looks like an excellent choice to me. If it could tow stretcher with a larger wheel this could actually be good as standard medic equipment.

  8. Sweaty-Feedback-1482 on

    Not that it doesn’t look cool but I don’t trust those one wheel things for shit. I was driving about 40-50 feet behind a guy riding one down main street when it inexplicably jammed and the guy smashed his face/head so hard into the pavement I could see that his forehead was concave. He was even wearing a helmet too.

    I once witnessed a man commit suicide by jumping off a tall building and he landed on the sidewalk 15 feet from me and somehow this one wheel accident felt 10x more visceral to me.