9/11 memorial in New York NHK World’s Inoue Yuki reports from Ground Zero.

The people who oversee this memorial encourage visitors throughout the year… to remember.
They foster that spirit all the more… on the anniversary.
Families, first responders, and others make the pilgrimage here… to pay tribute.
One former firefighter who lost colleagues told me he wants to be a bridge between the past and present.
A healthcare professional said she keeps in mind some advice from her pastor, to “put on your apron everyday…and serve.”

Many families – many people, really – find it hard to watch the images of the attacks.
Still, some are curious to see more.
This summer, a Japanese American Kei Sugimoto, rediscovered a video he’d taken of the attacks then posted it online.
He’s been surprised by some of the reactions.
More than 100 million Americans were either born after the attacks or are too young to remember.
That fact prompted Sugimoto to repost the video.
He, and others here, say it’s important that people know more and preserve the memories of what happened that day.

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