My dear people, regarding the recent announcement for chat control 2.0 which would make end-to-end encryption practically cease to exist and which would monitor our every message and picture we send and which has a high probability of being voted on, I invite you to use my copy-paste at a hastily written paragraph of text to the government, ministers and anyone who has influence in the government or parliament. Unfortunately, there is no petition, this time we have to send emails directly to ministers and people in high positions in the government. That’s why I made it easier for you, so that if you don’t feel like it – you can spend 1 minute to possibly influence a decision that will affect the entire EU. I personally sent to these emails (you are free to send to each minister of the detachment if you want):

feel free to copy and paste:

Dear Sir,

I am a citizen of the Republic of Croatia. I recently became aware of the huge, dangerous change that could happen if chat control 2.0 is voted on and implemented.

Unfortunately, Croatia voted YES for these changes in the last vote in June. Why?

Please change that decision to no and preserve the freedom of EU citizens. If you can’t, please try as hard as you can to somehow change or influence that decision.

As far as I understand, this change is intended to protect children from potential attackers. However, mass control of every EU citizen and control of every message without discrimination is no solution. Not only does such surveillance remove any possible privacy of each person, but it turns the devices we use every day and that we buy with our own money into, no more, no less, surveillance, spying devices. Furthermore, it goes without saying that such massive data collection is a huge risk for every person. Imagine what would happen if hacker groups got hold of this data. Well, that would be a leak of information on unprecedented levels. And companies that share secrets with each other? How much profit would that generate for possible evil actors?

Ultimately, this decision would completely destroy the entire foundation of democracy. If I’m not mistaken, China has this kind of surveillance (as well as more). Do we really want to go back to communist times when every little word against the rulers would send you to the naked island? This is denying freedom to people.

And what is this for? "allegedly" advertises this decision; protection of children is no argument at all. First of all, sick people who share images and video content related to child abuse do not use social networks, but completely other means of communication to avoid detection, such as self-hosted forums or sharing images in the form of password-protected encrypted archives. Second, Facebook has been using conversation control for years, and despite this, the number of automatic logins is INCREASING every year – in 2021 it was 22 million.

But what I am saying is not just my opinion. A number of children’s rights and digital rights groups across Europe have issued a joint statement opposing this, which can be found here:

Alternatives to this would be much more efficient and better for the protection of children:

  1. Increasing the capacity of police officers

More precisely, the police should work in secret and follow the perpetrators. Given that most such detention is shared over the dark net, that’s where police should focus their work instead of the (mostly inaccurate) automated reports sent by apps.

  1. Addressing the cause of the problem, not its symptoms

That is, preventing these recordings from being made at all. The concepts of prevention and training are the most important because most cases of abuse usually go undetected. Victim protection organizations often do not have enough financial support.

  1. Fast and easily accessible support for (potential) victims

  2. Improving media literacy

For any additional information, you can check this:

Please once again make this decision "for" withdraw and oppose this violation of the freedom of citizens throughout our European community.

Thank you for your time.

With respect.

EU praćenje razgovora copy-paste za slanje
byu/dragonlordcat incroatia

Posted by dragonlordcat


  1. xGentian_violet on

    mislim da bi trebalo gramaticki doradit taj tekst. Mozda ja budem to ucinila, sutra, mozda danas cak.

    tipa “građanin sam republike hrvatske” ne “građanin sam u republici hrvatskoj (??)”

  2. HistoricCthulhu on

    Evo malo izmjenjena verzija tog maila. Nadam se da je ljudima bolja (vidim da se neki žale).


    Građanin sam Hrvatske i želim izraziti zabrinutost zbog potencijalno opasne promjene koja bi mogla nastupiti ako se usvoji i implementira prijedlog “chat control 2.0”. Nažalost, Hrvatska je glasala za ovaj prijedlog na prošlom glasanju u lipnju. Možete li objasniti razloge za ovu odluku?

    Molim vas da preispitate ovu odluku i glasate protiv nje kako biste očuvali slobodu građana EU. Ako to nije moguće, molim vas da učinite sve što je u vašoj moći kako biste utjecali na promjenu ove odluke.

    Iako je cilj ove promjene zaštita djece od potencijalnih napadača, masovni nadzor svakog građanina EU i kontrola svake poruke nije rješenje. Takav nadzor ugrožava privatnost i pretvara naše uređaje u nadzorne alate. Također, masovno prikupljanje podataka predstavlja veliki rizik. Zamislite što bi se dogodilo ako hakeri dođu do tih podataka. To bi moglo dovesti do curenja informacija na neviđenim razinama.

    Ova odluka bi uništila temelj demokracije. Ne želimo se vratiti u vremena kada bi svaka riječ protiv vladajućih mogla imati ozbiljne posljedice.

    Argument da je ova odluka usmjerena na zaštitu djece nije valjan. Osobe koje čine takve zločine često koriste skrivene kanale komunikacije, a ne društvene mreže. Facebook već koristi kontrolu razgovora, ali broj prijava se i dalje povećava.

    Mnoge organizacije za prava djece i digitalna prava protive se ovom prijedlogu. Njihovu zajedničku izjavu možete pronaći ovdje: [](

    Umjesto toga, predlažem sljedeće alternative:

    1. Povećanje kapaciteta policijskih službenika za tajno praćenje počinitelja na dark netu.
    2. Rješavanje uzroka problema kroz prevenciju i edukaciju.
    3. Brza i lako dostupna podrška za žrtve.
    4. Poboljšanje medijske pismenosti.

    Više informacija možete pronaći ovdje: [](

    Molim vas još jednom da povučete podršku za ovu odluku i zaštitite slobodu građana EU. Hvala na vašem vremenu.

    S poštovanjem,

  3. Bmk, napisat cu si svoj chat program i dat ga ljudima s kojima moram pricati. Nitko me nemoze tjerati da koristim whats app