Ministry of Finance in Linkedin has a person account instead of being organization, which is bizarre.

Posted by JimTheQuick


  1. The person in charge probably doesn’t know how to make an institutional account.

    EN tse na spasoume re parea , tse touto kalo eni kind of vibe

  2. Personal-Wing3320 on

    no surprise, they people in charge are wildly incompetent to the point of being unable to use simple things like social media.

    Dont forget that couple months ago the ex-minister of culture was posting himself singing in parties🤡

  3. FutureEyeDoctor on

    From personal experience working in the govt, the people who work there are computer illiterate and not all ministries are willing to modernise themselves. At least our ΥΠΕΞ has som form of social media presence

  4. ButWhatIfPotato on

    *Μα ναμπου τουτο το λινκεντιν? Εν οπος το φαξ? Τον τζερο μου επιανα το Τσιακλη τηλεφωνο στον καφενε τζε ελεα του ναμπου ηθελα, σημερα πρεπει να εσχεις τουκ τοκς τζε μακμπουκς για να κοψεις μισην κουβεντα!* -Some higher up in Ministry of Finance

  5. Is ministry of finance a legal person or natural person? Everyone assuming legal, but what if it’s not a legal person?

  6. If you have worked with any gov entity in Cyprus you will quickly understand the level of computer competency they have…