To the surprise of no-one.

Posted by KennKennyKenKen


  1. I’ll play devils advocate here and say they catch people who are breaking the road rules.

    Logic dictates if you’re not speeding, you won’t get caught.

    They also take away the need for police resources to a certain extent.

    I’ve heard the arguments that all they are used for is revenue for the government, but personally I do think they reduce risk to, not only other cars, but pedestrians, bike riders etc.

    I would rather people explain why they hate them so much without being called a government shill etc.

  2. This is not the police or the council but rather a truly comically evil company Serco’s doing.

    *Edit spelling

  3. the_cutlery_drawer on

    I’ve never understood people having a sook over speed cameras. Just don’t speed. Leave earlier if you need to be somewhere by a certain time.

  4. If you havnt before you should google some of the things the Dutch did to speed cameras when they first went up over there

  5. Yabbari_The_Wizard on

    I used to work for fines Victoria and I do mean it cameras help more than they hurt. I used to get calls from people swearing to heaven and above that they weren’t speeding and but the camera still caught them going 20 km over the limit.

    But of course they’ll tell about revenue raising for the government but the easiest way to avoid getting a fine is by following the road laws or at least be fucking smart enough to know where the cameras are.

    Trust me when I say speed cameras help you be conscious of the way you drive, you’re riding around in a multi ton car you need to be careful or some poor cunt is dead.

    All in all speed cameras suck ass but they’re needed cause people speed like they’re Max Verstappen in 30km roads too often.

  6. I’ve heard that drilling a 8mm hole allows you to fit the nozzle of expanding foams inside. Just saying.

  7. RookieMistake2021 on

    Who ever did, you sir/madam deserve Australian of the year honours as voted by the community

  8. FeatheredKangaroo on

    Half the people complaining in this thread are also probably the same people who bitch about how people drive recklessly on the Monash and M80. Whether it’s for revenue or not it’s incredibly easy to not speed, and if you’re unaware that you’re speeding well then that’s an entirely separate issue…