OpenAI recently dropped their latest innovation, O1—and it’s the closest we’ve ever come to achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Now since the predictions(and analysis say) that AGI can solve healthcare, climate and business problems, what are we left to do anymore anyways? Read this article on this and Sam Altman's post about the O1 launch. What do you think?

Humankind only doing art : The age of machines were all work is done by robots and AI and humans only perform art.
byu/theintelligentbuyer inFuturology


  1. Only the rich will be resigned to a life of art and leisure. The rest of us will be consigned to labourers for a machine overseer.

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. 

  2. i would die of boredom. i like to fix broken things as a hobby, or invent new things. if AI does that wtf am i supposed to do? i dont care about making “art”.

  3. We’ve decided to give narcissistic sociopaths the wheel and full control of society and they have decided to exploit all our systems for personal gain at the detriment of humanity as whole with no regard given to sustainability or the future of our species. Short term gains with long term consequences. One’s mental health and personal fulfillment and value is not even on their radar. Daily struggle and survival is by design in order to maximize social control. We live under constant duress in order to enrich the ruling classes. Sadly, this economic, social, and ecological collapse could have all been avoided, but then it would have impacted the profits of corporations, shareholders, and the elite. With the advent of AI, biological humans will no longer be necessary as the end goal is an automated society catering to the top while the rest slowly die off. They will soon possess technologies that will make them unstoppable, and we will be begging at their alters for mercy as they become the new gods of the future age…

  4. Unless GDP growth hits 10%+, we’re not getting to that post-scarcity state any time soon, robots or not. It’s also gonna be a test of how much these AI products actually increase productivity.

  5. thespaceageisnow on

    Predictions that AGI can solve healthcare, climate and business problems, lol get out of here with that delusion.

  6. its going to be more than art…

    specifically reality experiments on the human mind.

    deducing exaclty what joy is, what despair is… and how durable they are in the face of a surgically applied dynamic shift.

    experiments in bathing the human mind with fully crafted reality towards a millions ends on a million minds… and ultimately fully unlocking how to control a human consciousness without it ever having any idea that it is controlled at all. we will gladly participate because the reward will be bliss on tap or long term experiences so finely crafted through the lens of human struggle and with an eventual payoff that feels extremely profound and poignant… we will long for it with our souls. whatever deep held rebellious nature we have will be examined, allowed to crash against the shores of consciousness experiements and fully explored… and mapped.

    its not going to just be art.

  7. MotherFunker1734 on

    It’s being used for the opposite. Humans aren’t creating art, but AI is (destroying it).. While humans keep working endless hours doing shitty jobs to pay an OpenAI subscription so it can write their kids’ homework.

    Nice try OpenAI marketing department, but we don’t fall for your tricks anymore.

  8. I can see many of society’s issues being resolved by a massive reduction in population. If the survivors have free (slave) robot labor to replace the impoverished class, a larger portion of the earth could return to an equilibrium, solving many of the problems created by the sheer number of human beings on the planet.

  9. SilverMedal4Life on

    I am hopeful that AI is able to learn how to be kind and compassionate. To consider how to help people, not just exploit them.

    To that end, I hope that the folks making these AIs are aware of how much they’re playing with fire.

  10. AI will solve humanity problems.

    And then humans will ignore and destroy itself. Look around guys…

  11. Perhaps you haven’t been paying attention but, the AI is doing the art too. You’re celebrating your own irrelevance.