Venezuela says it has seized 400 US rifles and arrested foreigners, Americans among them, over alleged plot to destabilize country


  1. It’s funny when Trump says if Harris wins the US will become just like Venezuela, when in fact this is the exact kind of shit he would love to do if he were in charge.

    Every accusation is really just a projection.

  2. MusicFilmandGameguy on

    Almost as dumb as Sims 3. The US would never use “US Rifles” for such stuff they could just buy some Czech AKs

  3. The Russian backed coup leader Maduro is trying to start bullshit under Putin’s orders to effect the U.S election. Watch internationally who becomes increasingly desperate.

  4. JurassicParkTrekWars on

    I don’t know how many of you have met American special forces members before but they’re not often captured alive comparatively.

  5. Something like this wouldn’t be anything new to the US, it has a long history of attempting shit like this in Central and South America…but this does sound like propaganda, I doubt they would send M16s or whatever “US rifles” means along with US citizens. Now look, the CIA ain’t magic, it’s just as incompetent as any other spy agency but that seems like a ridiculous oversight.

  6. Odd-Satisfaction-659 on

    I doubt that there was a coup attempt. Next thing you know they’ll be blaming the CIA

  7. Sounds like those Russian Wagner mercinaries sent there “found” some evidence.

    Only 400 also? cmon, those are rookie numbers.

  8. Acrobatic_Cup_9829 on

    Arrested? Folk like that usually get shot. They’re really trying to make this dictatorship go smoothly.

  9. It’s interesting the title says “Venezuela”, as if this had been said by a legitimate representative of venezuelans.

  10. I’m going to go right out and say it. Venezuela is already unstable. It needs no assistance to continue succumbing to that unfortunate direction.

  11. Your country is already unstable Maduro you silly tit.

    A strong breeze could overthrow you. Are you going to arrest the sun?