And he really thinks the same thing wouldn’t happen to Moscow? He’s just a blowhard.
Kelutrel on
Dictators use fear to do what they want and stay unpunished. Do not fear dictators.
sgskyview94 on
I think NATO needs to lay out what the consequences will be if they do so.
tiktaktok_65 on
look at the little mouse screeching
WangMangDonkeyChain on
a gray spot? like his pickled brain?
Poopieheadsavant on
This idiot pulled the short straw to make the most outrageous threats to make pootin seem more sane. Issue is, everyone sees through this pathetic bullshit.
JiminyStickit on
And he knows Moscow, or maybe St. Petersburg or some other Russian city, would become a huge, black, flat piece of glass that would glow in the dark for a thousand years.
That’s why it’s called “mutually assured” destruction.
Prior_Industry on
Yap, Yap, Yap, Yap
sgrams04 on
Take another shot, everyone
Surv0 on
Kyiv goes, Moscow goes….
Equivalent_Pool_1892 on
Ah , I see his weekly European wine delivery has arrived.
Zeddo52SD on
I sincerely doubt Putin would nuke Ukraine. He wants territory to occupy, not a relatively permanent pile of rubble and radiation. He’d nuke NATO before he nukes Ukraine.
vossmanspal on
And today’s news, Russia issues threat # … oh fuck I lost count!
BitingArtist on
Nukes are the red line for US Military. Russia knows if they cross it, everyone in charge disappears.
my20cworth on
Putins little bitch needs to earn his salary so feels he has to contribute some how with his quarterly vodka induced sabre rattling of which is more like rattling pots and pans.
happycow24 on
Still waiting for those nukes on NYC, London, and Paris. Any day now, any day will do…
SportyGalaxyLady on
If this keeps up, he might just find Moscow getting a glow up of its owwn!
Kinsin111 on
They turn kyiv into a grey spot we turn all of russia into a black smear.
haveanairforceday on
Once you start threatening nuclear strikes you have no other way to escalate. You back yourself into a corner. Your enemy can either give up immediately or call your bluff (thats what it is. In a world with more than one nuclear power nukes are for deterrence not employment) and then you have no other threat that is meaningful in comparison
Karnorkla on
That’s all the incompetent Russian dictatorship has left…..the threats of nuking everybody. Their conventional forces are embarrassed and destroyed by the intrepid Ukranians on a daily basis.
Novaree on
Do they fail to realize, that given the weather and the rotation of the Earth, the fallout would most likely end up in their own frontyard? In Moscow? Nuking anything closer than Warsaw or even Berlin would be an indirect suicide by Russia, making the most western parts of Russia uninhabitable, along with Poland, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, too. They are effectively geographically locked out from nuking anything so close.
For reference, look at how the radiation spread after Chernobyl. A large cloud of radioactive particle were carried by the wind in a Nice counter-clockwise arc, all the way across western Russia up to Finland, and back West over Scandinavia.
This is utter madness and I hope they actually know it, too.
Neene on
It’s that time already? Can’t wait until the next nuclear threat
ShamelesslyPlugged on
Honestly, Medvedev is the rabid dog version of “bad cop.” He needs to stop being allowed to have a voice.
wolfhound_doge on
this is what alcohol does to your brain. excessive alcohol consumption rots your brain and makes you think like medvedev. don’t drink, life brings lots of other joys, that aren’t harmful to your health and sanity.
altekoker on
Moscow will become a pit in the ground likewise. Putin cant bluff his way out of this. one nuke will make a myriad fly all over the world.
Shanksdoodlehonkster on
Willie Hears Ya, Willie Don’t Care
Demibolt on
I guess it’s kind of hilarious that they are even suggesting they need to use nukes against Ukraine.
HavlandTuf on
Just remember the west has nukes, too. Thaad and SM-3 patriots will probably shield Kiev. Then, Russia will need to worry about invisible jets visiting them.
NetSchizo on
That would turn the whole world against them. (Aside from NK and Iran). Even China would not stand for that shit.
And he really thinks the same thing wouldn’t happen to Moscow? He’s just a blowhard.
Dictators use fear to do what they want and stay unpunished. Do not fear dictators.
I think NATO needs to lay out what the consequences will be if they do so.
look at the little mouse screeching
a gray spot? like his pickled brain?
This idiot pulled the short straw to make the most outrageous threats to make pootin seem more sane. Issue is, everyone sees through this pathetic bullshit.
And he knows Moscow, or maybe St. Petersburg or some other Russian city, would become a huge, black, flat piece of glass that would glow in the dark for a thousand years.
That’s why it’s called “mutually assured” destruction.
Yap, Yap, Yap, Yap
Take another shot, everyone
Kyiv goes, Moscow goes….
Ah , I see his weekly European wine delivery has arrived.
I sincerely doubt Putin would nuke Ukraine. He wants territory to occupy, not a relatively permanent pile of rubble and radiation. He’d nuke NATO before he nukes Ukraine.
And today’s news, Russia issues threat # … oh fuck I lost count!
Nukes are the red line for US Military. Russia knows if they cross it, everyone in charge disappears.
Putins little bitch needs to earn his salary so feels he has to contribute some how with his quarterly vodka induced sabre rattling of which is more like rattling pots and pans.
Still waiting for those nukes on NYC, London, and Paris. Any day now, any day will do…
If this keeps up, he might just find Moscow getting a glow up of its owwn!
They turn kyiv into a grey spot we turn all of russia into a black smear.
Once you start threatening nuclear strikes you have no other way to escalate. You back yourself into a corner. Your enemy can either give up immediately or call your bluff (thats what it is. In a world with more than one nuclear power nukes are for deterrence not employment) and then you have no other threat that is meaningful in comparison
That’s all the incompetent Russian dictatorship has left…..the threats of nuking everybody. Their conventional forces are embarrassed and destroyed by the intrepid Ukranians on a daily basis.
Do they fail to realize, that given the weather and the rotation of the Earth, the fallout would most likely end up in their own frontyard? In Moscow? Nuking anything closer than Warsaw or even Berlin would be an indirect suicide by Russia, making the most western parts of Russia uninhabitable, along with Poland, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, too. They are effectively geographically locked out from nuking anything so close.
For reference, look at how the radiation spread after Chernobyl. A large cloud of radioactive particle were carried by the wind in a Nice counter-clockwise arc, all the way across western Russia up to Finland, and back West over Scandinavia.
This is utter madness and I hope they actually know it, too.
It’s that time already? Can’t wait until the next nuclear threat
Honestly, Medvedev is the rabid dog version of “bad cop.” He needs to stop being allowed to have a voice.
this is what alcohol does to your brain. excessive alcohol consumption rots your brain and makes you think like medvedev. don’t drink, life brings lots of other joys, that aren’t harmful to your health and sanity.
Moscow will become a pit in the ground likewise. Putin cant bluff his way out of this. one nuke will make a myriad fly all over the world.
Willie Hears Ya, Willie Don’t Care
I guess it’s kind of hilarious that they are even suggesting they need to use nukes against Ukraine.
Just remember the west has nukes, too. Thaad and SM-3 patriots will probably shield Kiev. Then, Russia will need to worry about invisible jets visiting them.
That would turn the whole world against them. (Aside from NK and Iran). Even China would not stand for that shit.