What impact will AI have on video game development?



  1. noonedeservespower on

    “According to a recent poll by a16z, 87% of studios are using generative AI tools like Midjourney to create in-game environments.”

    I found this to be the biggest news from the article. I think it’s going to lead to lead to lost jobs, but it could lead to more and bigger indie games too as developers who are fired from big studios start their own companies. I hope it might speed up the development slowdown we’ve seen in gaming and maybe lead to good procedural generation where stories and environments could develop and change in response to player input. There’s a lot of possibilities here and the industry hasn’t even adopted the tools before new tools become available.

  2. BluePomegranate12 on

    I’m very optimistic about AI in games, it can become an important development tool to create a base for human work to be made and I don’t understand why the author is pessimistic about it being used for dialogues, I can see writers still being used but to create the world, lore and voice guidelines for games, in which AI will be trained with.

    Personally I would love for AI in RTS games to finally level up, it’s been literally decades since we seen any improvement in RTS computer opponents.

  3. Agious_Demetrius on

    You got it wrong. Everybody using AI to play just watching their bot shred the other bots. Games get boring and the end of the computer age is realised. We all end up half munted in the park talking shit with our mates, talking about the good old days.

  4. Imagine being able to actually talk to characters in games like elder scrolls, and have them respond based on what you say? They can still be guardrailed to move the plot forward, or to drop bits of information for a new quest, but it would be so much more immersive to have to actually talk to them

  5. I’m really hoping there will be an open world rpg where the npc’s have AI to react to the player and the story can roam free because it uses AI