Not that anyone would care enough to do something about it, but I’ll leave it here.
Anyway, every article on this site is rubbish, only some bad people would write something like that. s/
"In parallel, both Government representatives (including Ministers of the Environment) and parliamentarians are leading a campaign to deny the scale of illegal forest cutting and the destructive effects of this phenomenon, both for the environment, for public health and for the economy (annual losses caused by illegal forest cutting are estimated at 6 billion euros/yearin a country report of the European Commission for Romania)/
One of the most influential deputies in denying the scale of illegal forest cutting is Cristina Trailathe one who, as Andrei Ciurcanu revealed (then she herself confirmed) is paid as a lawyer by Schweighofer (currently renamed HS Timber Group). As a member of the Legal Commission (which is also the report commission for the New Forestry Code, blocked in the Chamber of Deputies for over 4 months), Cristina Trăilă also voted against the establishment of the “DNA of Forests”, after which she lied that it would did so even though she was filmed voting!"
Posted by rarmih
Se stie ca drojdierii P$D traiesc cu noxe si nu au nevoie de oxigen
Scopul gărzii forestiere este de apreciat dar oare nu si această instituție a fost populata cu funcționari corupți?
Nu e nicio schemă. Anul acesta s-au împărțit atât de multe șpăgi electorale încât nu mai au bani nici pentru hârtie igienică.
Ultimul tun inainte de plecare?
Corupția crește ca buruiana
Stai ca acum apar comentariile in care o sa ni se explice ca in Romania nu exista defrisari de fapt si e doar o problema inventanta