Iasi City Hall made a statement according to which a 9-year-old child is guilty of inappropriate use of a playground.

I made emergency checks after learning about this absolutely regrettable situation at the playground. Our suspicion that there is negligence in the use of that equipment.

I sent an email. I recommend anyone bothered by this statement to take a few minutes. I sent to informatii@primaria-iasi.ro

If you want to copy paste:


Regarding the statement of Mr. Dan Postolea, namely:

"I made emergency checks after learning about this absolutely regrettable situation at the playground. Our suspicion is that there is negligence in the use of that equipment.”

I request more explanations about how a 9-year-old child could be guilty of improper use of the equipment. Additionally, I would like to know how the Iasi city hall ensures that, after putting into use such equipment, susceptible to improper use by a 9-year-old child, it is still used properly by all the target users.

In the absence of clear justifications for these questions, I see Mr. Dan Postolea’s accusation as unjustified and shameful for the image of the Iasi City Hall and I await a reaction from the Iasi City Hall and Mr. Dan Postolea.

Thank you,

Citizen of Iesian.

Don’t forget that you can pull them by the sleeve, whether you are Sibian, Teleormaneni, Caracaleni, etc. You are citizens of Romania who pay taxes. Let’s be uncomfortable.


Am trimis mail catre primaria Iasi
byu/wannalive_lemelive inRomania

Posted by wannalive_lemelive


  1. Nu stiu ce s.a intamplat acolo si ce dovezi are primaria.

    Dar ai trecut recent pe langa un loc de joaca? Chiar nu vezi cum un copil de 9 ani poate folosi necorespunzator un echipament de joaca?

    Ai prins anii 90-00 cand se dadeau scrancioburile peste cap cu cate 3 copii in ele, unul jos si 2 in picioare?

    Din nou, nu stiu ce a fost acolo, da nici consternarea asta nu bate cu realitatea.