Let’s move on to the main thing, so whoever wants details, read below.

Do any of you here self-report the state of the meter, if I may have a few questions:

Before we start, what is the procedure for all this/documentation and will a person from EVN come after that or I am completely responsible. And surely he will come periodically to check that I am not lying (how long is that period)?

Does the system allow:

1) Reporting the situation several times a month (in summary I write on the 1st, 20th and 25th). In this case, will I be charged from the 1st to the 25th, so next month, if I make the last registration on the 31st, the billing period will be from the 26th of the previous month to the 31st now?

2) In addition to my registration, will an employee come again on his own (I live in a building) and when the resume comes on the 29th (and my last one was on the 25th) will he update my last one who came on the 29th and the account period will be from the 1st until the 29th or from the 1st to the 25th?

3) Is there a deadline by which I should report the situation, ie. what should be the elapsed time between the old and new state of the meter. (minimum and maximum)

4) What are the margins, if any, for a faulty condition? I’m looking now: From the 1st to the 25th, I used 200kwH, and from EVN, which will come, let’s say on the 30th, I used another 500kwH in those 5 days. It’s not possible, but it’s magical. Will that set off some red flags or nothing. We are talking about what would have been.

👇 Details from here on: 👇 Namely, for the month of July, 8,000 days came to my account. It seemed strange to me, but something was bothering me and I couldn’t be bothered.

I paid the bill and now I’m sitting down to see and see the billing period from 29.06 to 30.07.

Okay nothing weird for now. I go down to the bill to see how much electricity I have used and I see two billing periods.

Period 1: June 29 to June 30 (2 days) Period 2: July 1 to July 30 (30 days)

At this moment it occurs to me that for the month of June, I don’t remember a period, a cheap bill of around 600 denars arrived. But isn’t it cheap, you watch and you pay and you don’t even watch. Macedonian work 🤣

Here I realize that they haven’t read the situation for June and have chosen a random price, but that’s why I pay for that month in August together with both (June and July).

That’s where the problem is. The problem is in their pricing method. It’s okay, let’s not judge him, we all pay the same prices. But do you?

No friends, we don’t pay the same prices.

Here are the blocks: Block 1: from 0 kWh to 210 kWh Block 2: from 211 kWh to 630 kWh Block 3: from 631 kWh to 1050 kWh Block 4: from 1051 kWh and up

Prices: Price per kWh in Block 1: 4.2317 den. Price per kWh in Block 2: 5.3361 Dens Price per kWh in Block 3: 7.0887 Dens Price per kWh in Block 4: 17.6934 Dens

This is for the expensive electricity, for the cheap it is fixed, we ignore it, I guess you know that, if we don’t start the post that collects debt.

And take care, most importantly. In the first block there is 210, in the second 420 and the third 420kwH. But these block sizes 0-210 for the first, 211-630 for the second and 631-1050 for the second are valid IF AND ONLY IF THE MEASUREMENT IS MADE IN 30 DAYS.

What does this mean? This means that 210kwH in 30 days is 7kwH per day. 420kwH in 30 days is 14kwH per day.

What does this mean? This means that if the measurement was not done at 30 days, it would be 28 days (and even worse, as in my case, 2 days). This means that the first block in 28 days would be:

Block 1: 28 den x 7 kWh/day = 196 kWh; value Block 1 (0 kWh – 196 kWh) Block 2: 28 den x 14 kWh/day = 392 kWh; meaning Block 2 (197 kWh – 588 kWh) Block 3: 28 den x 14 kWh/day = 392 kWh; meaning Block 3 (589 kWh – 980 kWh)

Where is my problem? In the period from June 29 – June 30 (we are talking about 2 days), I used 196kWh of expensive electricity (of which 126 in the 4th block after faking 17 denars). While the month of July (30 days) 310kwH.

We come to the conclusion that either I was mining Bitcoins those 2 days in June (and I wasn’t) or EVN is lying about the meter states.

So friends, I will save two thousand, I will buy you coffee here, you who will help me instead of giving them to EVN.


Posted by Particular_Tap_7089


  1. Particular_Tap_7089 on

    И пак проблемот да…. Проблемот е што потрошувачката за цел месец ми ја стаиле у два дена а со тоа најголемиот дел од киловатите припаѓаат на 4тиот блок и така плаќам енормно повисока сума наместо да си отчитале на време броилото.

  2. Имаш дигитално броило?
    Ако да можеш точно да видиш колку скапа е потрошено и колку евтина.

    И кулминативно. Значи ако пример за мај скапа имаш 10 потрошено. За јуни скапа имаш уште 12 потрошено, брпилото ќе ти даде 22. И сметката ќе ти каже кулминативно е 22 од кои 12 во последен месец. Значи нема каде да бегаат.  

    Провери броилото. И спореди со сметките. 
    Ако е дигитално плус тие го читаат автоматски и од таму, значи редовно.

    Имаш тел број јави се за читање ќе ти кажат дати кога се.